Android monetization grows with each new version

    With each new version of Android, platform monetization is improving, Tapjoy reports . According to a recent report, the Jelly Bean version generates an average of $ 1.63 per user (ARPU).

    During September, Tapjoy analyzed the level of monetization and user conversions in Android and found that with the exception of the Honeycomb tablet, each new version of the operating system gets a higher ARPU than the previous one.

    For example, users with Eclair 2.1 (released in January 2010) do not monetize very well, actually bringing in half as much money as Jelly Bean users.

    According to Google itself, the most popular OS version is Gingerbread, which generates $ 1.20 ARPU. In June, Google introduced the Android Platform Developers Kit (PDK), which targets OEMs and gives them early access to new versions of the system. So far, however, this has had little effect on the update speed. In addition, the company is doing its best to increase the number of credit cards “connected” to the store, accustoming users to payment - both by sales, and by subscriptions, and gift cards (which are valid only upon activation of their own credit card).

    The Tapjoy report is interesting in that we let us know how platform fragmentation restrains monetization and, most importantly, how app revenue is likely to grow. In addition, it perfectly distinguishes those platforms that you should focus on when creating your applications.

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