TechEd Russia 2012: Windows Azure platform architects to perform in Russia


    November 27-28, 2012 Moscow will host the largest Microsoft conference and one of the largest events in Europe - TechEd Russia 2012 . Within two days of the conference, conference participants will be offered over 150 reports in 14 thematic tracks. The main topics of the conference will be the latest Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, Office and Microsoft cloud computing technologies.

    I am very pleased to announce that the development topic for the Windows Azure public cloud will receive special attention at the conference. Specially to cover the important topic of developing cloud applications , Microsoft executives responsible for the architecture of the Windows Azure platform were invited to the conference .

    Among them:Scott Guthrie, Mark Russinovich, Glory Kavsan, Dmitry Robsman, Cyril Gavrilyuk . Below you will find a detailed description of the invited guests. There has never been such a representative team of developers of the Windows Azure platform in Russia. The second chance to meet these people in Russia may not come very soon. Use this chance to find out all the news and details about the Windows Azure platform first-hand!

    Scott Guthrie

    Scott Guthrie

    Scott Guthrie, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Servers and Tools, is Microsoft 's Corporate Vice President and Servers, where he is responsible for creating the development platform for Windows Azure, as well as the .NET Framework and Visual Studio technologies used to build server and web applications.

    As one of the founders of the .NET project, Guthrie has played a key role in the development of Microsoft development technologies since 1998. Today, Guthrie manages the development teams creating the development platform for Windows Azure, Windows AppFabric Server, BizTalk Server, IIS, ASP.NET, WCF, WF, as well as Visual Studio's web, web services, and workflow capabilities. Scott graduated from Duke University with a degree in Computer Science.

    Scott Guthrie is one of the most renowned technology experts and speakers in the world. His vibrant speeches at the MIX and TechEd conferences are becoming a big event for the IT world.

    Mark Russinovich

    Member of the technical council, Microsoft

    Mark Russinovich

    Mark Russinovich is a member of the technical council of Microsoft and works as part of the Windows Azure group on the Microsoft cloud operating system. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of Windows operating systems, as well as the architecture and security of operating systems.

    Russinovich is the author of the recently published cyber-thriller “Zero Day”, as well as one of the authors of the famous series of Microsoft Press books - “Microsoft Windows Internal Device” (Windows Internals) and “Sysinternals Administrator's Reference”.

    Russinovich joined Microsoft in 2006 when Microsoft acquired Winternals Software, one of the founders of which Mark became in 1996, as well as Sysinternals, where until now he continues to publish a large number of popular utilities for Windows administration and diagnostics. Mark is a keynote speaker at major industry conferences, including Microsoft's TechEd, WinHEC, and Professional Developers Conference. Mark Russinovich is one of the most famous technical experts and speakers in the world, his reports are distinguished by great detail, depth and unique information about the intricacies of the work of modern information systems.

    Dmitry Robsman

    Development Director, Windows Azure Application Platform, Microsoft

    Dmitry robsman

    Dmitry Robsman is the Development Director of the team creating the Windows Azure Application Platform. Dmitry leads a team of engineers who create and maintain a number of Windows Azure services, including Web sites (Web Sites), Management Portal (Management Portal), service bus (Service Bus), media services (Media Services) and others.

    Dmitry is also responsible for the development of the Microsoft web platform, which includes Internet Information Server (IIS), ASP.NET, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Workflow Foundation (WF), Entity Framework (EF) and web tools - Visual Web Developer, Web Matrix, Web Platform Installer; Windows Azure SDK and several open source projects.

    Over the 15 years of his career at Microsoft in various roles, Dmitry has contributed to the development of a number of products and technologies, including IIS, ASP.NET, .NET development languages ​​and, at the moment, Windows Azure. Dmitry loves to write code. Among Dmitry's well-known independent projects are the Cassini web server (fully written in managed code) and the ASP.NET RSS Toolkit (library for publishing and using RSS feeds in ASP.NET).

    Glory Kavsan (Slava Kavsan)

    Windows Azure Security Development Manager, Microsoft

    Glory Kavsan

    Slava Kavsan heads Microsoft's organizational unit responsible for developing Windows Azure Security (Windows Azure Security).

    Fame recently joined the Windows Azure team, moving from his previous role, where he led the organizational unit in the Windows development team, which focuses on the central operating system security subsystem. As part of this role, he provided technical and organizational guidance in terms of planning, architectural design, development and release of key security functions and user identification in Windows 7 and Windows 8, namely: platform integrity control (Platform Integrity), data protection, encryption, authentication and access control.

    From the moment he started working at Microsoft, Slava worked on the development of the architecture and technical strategy of such areas as security, user authentication and access control.

    Glory has more than 25 years of leadership experience in high technology, combining extensive management experience in software development with in-depth technical expertise in areas such as security, PKI (public key infrastructure), authentication, and advanced network protocols.

    Before joining Microsoft, Slava worked as vice president of development and CTO of the world-famous security company RSA Security, where he led research projects and projects for the development of various security solutions and identity management.

    Kirill Gavrilyuk

    The leading head of development programs, Microsoft,

    Cyril Gavrilyuk, is our compatriot who graduated from Moscow State University in 1997. Cyril later moved to work in the United States and in 2000 began working for Microsoft. At Microsoft, Cyril Gavrilyuk participated in the development of many products: System.Xml, Web Services Enhancements, Windows Communication Foundation.

    Today, at Microsoft, Kirill Gavrilyuk is responsible for creating the entire set of Windows Azure Mobile Services, designed to make it easier for mobile developers to create authorization, data storage, push notifications and others. In addition, the development team led by Kirill is responsible for supporting the popular Node.js framework on Windows Azure.

    The team of Cyril Gavrilyuk released tools for developers of Windows 8 and iOS, which make it easy to get a cloud infrastructure as a service for their mobile applications. The plans of the Cyril team support mobile platforms Windows Phone and Android.

    TechEd Russia 2012 Windows Azure Talks

    The topic of Windows Azure will be very widely presented at the TechEd Russia 2012 conference. In addition to developing cloud applications, visitors will be able to learn about building IT systems based on the cloud, integrating the enterprise with the cloud, and security issues for cloud services. And learn all this first hand!

    The program of the conference is constantly updated on the conference site ; today there are already a lot of sessions that will be devoted to the clouds and the Windows Azure platform. Here are just a few of them:

    • Windows Azure Public Cloud Application Development Plenary Report
    • Virtual machines and networks in Windows Azure
    • Windows Azure Internal Device
    • Azure Application Development Scenarios: Choosing the Best Approach
    • Windows Azure Storage and Processing Scenarios
    • Migrating ASP.NET Applications to Windows Azure
    • Scott Guthrie Q & A Session

    • Exchange Server 2013 and Office 365 Hybrid Organization Security Model - Better Together
    • Data Partitioning in SQL Server 2012 and Windows Azure SQL Database
    • Practical use of Windows Azure Virtual Machines
    • Information Security 2012: current trends, challenges and solutions
    • Deploying Active Directory Infrastructure on Windows Azure
    • Building SharePoint 2013 farms on Windows Azure

    • Between the Earth and the Clouds - Similarities and Differences in the Implementation of Database Platforms
    • Claim-based authentication (statement-based) in traditional and cloud environments with Active Directory Federation Services
    • What to consider when building data migration solutions in hybrid architectures using cloud solutions
    • Secure Clouds for an IT Manager: World and Russian Practices

    These and other conference reports will be read by Microsoft experts, invited experts from the USA and Europe, Russian experts on application development and building information systems.

    The program is constantly updated, follow it on the site. See you at the conference !

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