Online courses in Russian

Hello! My name is Rahim, I studied under the Computer Science (B.Sc) program at Carleton University and wrote about it on Habré a couple of years ago as part of the Computer Science Student project ( you can find all issues in the profile ). Then here I found many people interested in creating a collective blog about mathematics and computer science. Then he even wrote in the comments:
If I ever become a professor (and I hope to become one), then I want to write the address of this collective blog on the board at the beginning of each course and say: “Join. A collective mind will help you learn computer science. ”
Unfortunately, the blog stopped updating after some time, activity fell to a minimum. I graduated from the university and worked as a developer for the first year, but in January 2012 I came a little closer to implementing that comment: I became a teacher at the International University of Information Technology ( IITU ) in the southern capital of Kazakhstan. In his first semester, he lectured on operating systems and web development, sometimes gave open lectures, and occasionally published something on the hub. But "hexlet.ru" did not write on the board.
This fall, Hakeslet has evolved from a collective blog into a free educational platform. The bottom line is simple: you can become a student and take different courses, you can become a teacher and conduct your own courses.The format is similar to Coursera or Udacity. On October 23, the first online course begins - Application Development for Mac OS X.
About this course - below, but for now a little about the project.
Neither banks, nor politics, nor religion, nor money can solve problems and improve lives. Water in a faucet, a faucet in a warm house, the Internet and medicines for terrible diseases - all this is the fruit of the work of scientists and engineers. Knowledge is the basis of human civilization, therefore knowledge should be free and accessible.
The goal is to create an active educational platform in Runet with a bunch of courses. Attract talented teachers and provide them with all the opportunities to create and conduct massive online courses. To attract companies and organizations that would use Hakeslet to train specialists and conduct trainings. Attract investment and develop a revenue model.
My personal goal is to turn this project into my only, full-fledged work and in the coming years to create a complete set of courses in the Computer Science undergraduate program.
You can start your own course on Hakeslet
- Subjects - any, from carpentry to the theory of superstrings.
- Duration - any, but preferably not shorter than three classes. A very long course (more than 5 months) makes sense to break into parts.
- Format - any, but it is advisable to publish lectures in a convenient form (audio or video), include homework, tests, exams in the course.
- Language is any.
- The structure of your course (descriptions of each lesson) should be ready and published before the start.
Support the project
While the project exists on enthusiasm and personal investment. Of course, if the first course is successful, then I would like to turn into a real startup, find investors, and so on. So far you can help in the following ways:
- Join an existing course and help students (answer questions, participate in discussions, etc.)
- Become a volunteer. For example, by a designer: we need a logo. Anyway, good interesting people who are interested in the project, join.
- Tell your friends about the project. Attract the attention of potential students, teachers, volunteers or investors.
- Make a donation
Write to freetonik@hexlet.ru
Many thanks to Ivan Borovkov , the system administrator who helps in configuring and maintaining the server.

So, the first course on Hakeslet:
Application Development for Mac OS X
Requirement (pre-requisites) for the course:
knowledge of the basic concepts of object-oriented programming, basic programming skills in C ++ and / or Java.Course Outline:
- Objective-C Programming Language
- Xcode Development Environment
- Foundation framework
- Cocoa API
- Basics of developing iOS-applications (for iPhone and iPad)
- The Basics of Good Application Design
- 15 weeks - 15 video lectures, each lecture consists of modules. The total lecture duration is 50 minutes.
- Lectures are published on YouTube and the iTunes store.
- The language of the course is Russian, but lectures in English are also available.
- 5 short tests
- 4 homework (projects)
- Mid term semester exam
- Final exam at the end of the semester (final)
- Tests, projects and exams can be taken at any time from the moment of publication to the deadline (i.e. within a week)
Tests and exams are checked automatically, but homework (projects) are checked using the peer grading system: students anonymously evaluate each other's work (like on the coursera).
After completing the course (with an assessment above 50%), a symbolic certificate is issued.
(To program as part of this course, you must have a computer running Mac OS X and Apple's Xcode program)
Register for the course .
“If you think education is too expensive, try ignorance.” Derek Bock.