Frontend Conf Moscow - client-side and deep and wide

    Somehow it turns out that client development, on the one hand, seizes territory and becomes more and more popular, on the other, it is becoming more and more isolated. We judge the distribution by several recent RIT ++ festivals, in which there were 2-3 times more reports on the frontend than on the backend or DevOps, and it was more interesting for the listeners, and even the videobloggers that arrived came to be mostly vendors, but about this later. And in response to the tendencies of division and deepening of specializations, we organize Frontend Conf Moscow . About what this conference will be like, what to expect from it, how to participate, read on.

    The main thing

    Frontend Conf Moscow will be held on October 4 and 5 in Moscow in a well-known and convenient Infospace. It will be two days, which we will entirely devote to the development of client-side web projects. Reports in several streams, workshops, mitaps, discussions with experts over a cup of coffee or, in the evening, a glass of something else, the strongest developers among the participants - all this will allow you to dive into the topic completely and discuss the aspects that previously turned out to be too narrow or specific.

    What to expect from the conference?

    The obvious answer is new knowledge and useful information about advanced technologies . And this is not the same information that can be read in the documentation. All of our conferences are truly practical (and not as school science-practical projects on VBA), so everything that the speakers are talking about is tested on their own experience and is really working tools.

    But this is not all, attending a professional conference allows you to pump up other skills, broaden your horizons, make useful contacts, and get constructive feedback - this is how Alexander Sokyrka described the available networking author of the Be Programmer youtube channel in his overview video. And here we come to what is really expected from the conference - the movement.

    Well, you may find our opinion biased. After all, our conferences are our offspring , so we love them all. But, by the way, we also take care: we don’t give to catch any fashionable viruses, or get into a bad company of advertising reports, etc.

    Maybe a third-party opinion will be more interesting for you.

    The fact that many developers have the opportunity to participate in the conference at the expense of the company , in our opinion, is also very good (you can use this video as an argument for your manager, if he has a different opinion).

    It is worth noting that Skolkovo is ideal for organizing such a big festival like RIT ++, but not everyone likes it. With the placement of a specialized conference, which will be the autumn Frontend Conf Moscow, a little easier, so you do not have to get to the outskirts - we will be located in the very center of Moscow!

    It is important that the autumn Frontend Conf will have its own face. We are planning to arrange Infoprosstanstvo so that everyone would be comfortable and cozy, we will build discussion zones and zones for entertainment and networking. We have a few ideas on organizing the program, and interesting ideas on formats.

    In order to abstract a little from emotions and evaluate the content, we recommend several interviews shot on RHS ++ for educational blogs.

    And, of course, video reports on our youtube-channel on the frontend .

    To participate in this expected event there are two main ways, and the most attractive one is to become a speaker .

    Call for Papers

    To speak at Frontend Conf Moscow you just need to have experience in solving some intricate problem without using well-known wooden (and not only) wooden objects and be ready to share this with the world. Although, by the way, stories from practice, why the popular tool did not work, and why no one should try to repeat it, can also take off.

    And then it’s quite simple - by August 3, send a request with small abstracts and honest answers to the Program Committee. Here you can find tips on how to do it better, and here is a list of topics that you plan to cover. Preliminary topics are divided into sections:

    • tools : work with code, modularity, abstractions, tools;
    • quality : testing, speed, interfaces, availability;
    • applications : web applications, offline, isomorphism, web technologies in software;
    • adaptation : mobile web, adaptability, new devices;
    • news : new browser API, technology, media, graphics.

    This does not mean that you are limited by the scope of these keywords, the frontend is the main topic from which you can go to any direction.

    We really appreciate the opinion of the community, we are open to suggestions - in this form you can tell what you are most interested in and what you need to pay more attention to. The program committee assumes that there is something with which we have little knowledge, but if someone offers a topic that will be interesting to a wide audience, we will be happy to sort it out and offer the participants to understand. Non-technical or topics that are not strictly related to web programming are also accepted - if we understand that this is what the community needs, then we will accept such a report.


    The conference program offers four types of presentations:

    • standard report for 40–50 minutes;
    • lightning talk - a short report of 10 minutes;
    • master class - a presentation on a narrow topic, interesting to a small number of developers, the maximum duration is 2 hours;
    • mitap - discussion of a specific topic in a narrow circle of like-minded people.

    When submitting an application, you can immediately indicate the format that best suits your topic in the comments for the PC. Or the Program Committee itself will propose one of the options, focusing on the topic.

    We are working on each application to pull out all the details and make the report useful to many. We advise not to focus on a narrow technological stack, but to provide more comparisons and examples of use. Performance coaching, harsh runs, but care and entertainment are included in the voucher.

    For participants

    The second option is a bit more prosaic - to buy a ticket . It has a number of advantages, you do not become a wordless listener, but you are a full-fledged participant! You have unlimited opportunities to expand and deepen horizons and  get insights . Expert zones allow you to learn about how leaders work, and meetings to discuss even the most narrow problems. And everyone can collect mitap - the main thing is to find like-minded people.

    For many, the conference is about networking. To create fertile soil for it, we always organize additional activities and an evening program. Frontend Conf Moscow is a specialized conference, so the tasks and questions of the participants will be closer to each other than at the festival.

    Click to view photos.

    We are waiting for everyone at  Frontend Conf Moscow on October 4 and 5 in Moscow in Infospace. Applications for performances are accepted until August 3 . Tickets can be booked later, but the price will increase from the first day of each month .

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