Traffic forecast on Yandex.Maps

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With the advent of autumn, traffic jams traditionally grow on the roads. The weather, the end of summer holidays, and the beginning of the business season are to blame. But we are sure that many of our readers know how to get the best routes to avoid traffic difficulties on Yandex.Maps .

Now, on the service, we not only show what is on the road, but also what will happen in the next hour - that is, a short-term traffic forecast. It allows you to find out what the traffic jams will be like after 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes.

Compared to “traffic jams usually,” the traffic forecast is more accurate, since it takes into account not only the general statistics, but also the current picture of traffic jams. Now you will know what traffic jams will be like in the city when you finish dinner, make a couple of important calls and get to the parking lot to go home.

The new opportunity is available immediately for several cities: Moscow , St. Petersburg , Istanbul , Kiev , Yekaterinburg .

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