Why Russia is a fourth world country in social networks

    I perfectly understand that a number of assumptions and conclusions from this article will seem controversial, provocative or even unpatriotic to many respected readers, but I hope that most of them will nevertheless think about why this does not work out.

    In general, for some reason it is not customary for us to call a spade a spade. Perhaps one reason for this is shame. We are ashamed of our companies, of our roads, of our laws, of our laziness, of our disgrace, and many more for what else. We are afraid to speak as we are, because we know that everyone knows what we know. So what to discuss then?

    UPD2:(Moved UPD to the beginning, as there is a lot of superfluous in the text) I apologize for superficial and subjective judgments. The topic was planned as a question about the reasons for the "second-rate" content on Runet. In the comments it turned out that 1) there are objective reasons for this 2) this secondary nature is very arbitrary and subjective 3) The author did not have the necessary information.

    Why is the VKontakte social network the most popular in Russia? Because there is free music and video for every taste (yes, for that very one), and the crowds, and the crowds of children who are "sitting" on VKontakte are much more interesting than reading Wikipedia.

    Why aren't Odnoklassniki looking for at Odnoklassniki? Because this social network is made for flirting and cheating, and not in order to look for classmates. And most users come there for just that.

    Why are dating sites, forgotten all over the world, still attract thousands of new users every day? Because famous people make very good money on this and they are not to blame. They are entrepreneurs and they are right.

    They are right because people need it. As you know, demand creates supply - this is an immutable law. This is where the saddest part begins. Why is the demand for illegal content and service constantly growing? And most importantly, why is it growing only in Russia?

    Facebook never had any video, audio, or related applications until they entered the Russian market. At the same time, advanced functions for placing photos appeared. Then on Facebook there were applications for flirting and dating.

    If everything is greatly simplified, then it personally tells me that when entering the Russian market, the largest social network in the world understands the rules of the game in this market just like that - the key to success: more varez, schoolchildren and lust. And assessing the success of their main competitors in this market - Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, it is difficult to disagree with them.

    By the way, a few facts, possibly known to the esteemed reader, but maybe not.

    Vkontakte site is simply closed in several countries for violation of the law.

    Twitter, according to experts, does not take root in Russia as it does in the west (still, you can’t download anything there and it’s very difficult to shoot someone).

    The most popular LinkedIn request on Yandex is “LinkedIn what is it”, this is despite the fact that the most famous professional social network in the world has had a Russian-language interface for several years. It's just that there is no demand for professionals in Russia - but there is a demand for schoolchildren, for sex, for free video, music and so on.

    There is less porn on the largest video hosting site in the world YouTube.com than in the videos of one Vkontakte user.

    According to unofficial data, the reason for every tenth divorce in Russia is social networks and dating sites (even if every hundredth is also good).

    There are so many facts confirming the general trend that I just don’t want to go further than Google. If anyone has a desire, you can try.

    What can this tell us about our society, and about our country and about ourselves? In general, obviously nothing good. Only two options come to mind: 1. We are just an order of magnitude behind Europe and the USA in matters of personal culture. 2. We are so unhappy in life, so clogged and loaded, that besides bread and circuses we do not need anything. Moreover, the quality of these spectacles and this bread does not matter to us.

    And no matter how many iPhones we buy, no matter how much our presidents fly to California, no matter how much they build Silicon Valleys in the Moscow Region, this will not change anything until the people themselves change, that is, you and I.

    I apologize in advance if there are few facts in the article, conclusions are made unreasonable or too much water. In conclusion, I want to say that I am absolutely apolitical and did not intend to express any protest against anything. I was only going to express my assumption that we all will have to try very hard to change our attitude to ourselves around the world. This is, of course, if we do not plan to capture it in the near future. The last sentence was supposed to be a joke.

    UPD: In no case do I consider it necessary or possible to prohibit or restrict anything on RuNet. Quite the contrary - any attempt to ban or restrict something (especially from the state) will only aggravate the situation.

    UPD2:I apologize for superficial and subjective judgments. The topic was planned as a question about the reasons for the "second-rate" content on Runet. In the comments it turned out that 1) there are objective reasons for this 2) this secondary nature is very arbitrary and subjective 3) The author did not have the necessary information.

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