Third-order templates, or how I ported Jinja2 to C ++

Python lovers and HTML layouts are familiar with the tool (engine, library) for working with text templates called Jinja2.. At the entrance, this slider receives a template file, in which the text can be mixed with control structures, the output is pure text, in which all control structures are replaced with text in accordance with the parameters specified from the outside (or from the inside). Roughly speaking, this is something like ASP pages (or C ++ - preprocessor), only the markup language is different.
Until now, the implementation of this engine was only for Python. Now it is also for C ++. About how and why it happened, and will be discussed in the article.
Why did I even take it
Indeed, why? After all, there is Python, for it is an excellent implementation, a bunch of features, an integral specification of the language. Take it and use it! Do not like Python - you can take Jinja2CppLight or inja , partial Jinja2 ports in C ++. In the end, you can take C ++ - port {{ Mustache }}. The devil, as usual, in the details. Here, for example, I needed the functionality of filters from Jinja2 and the possibilities of the extends construction, which allows you to create extensible templates (and also include macros and include, but that later). And none of the mentioned implementations support this. Could I do without all this? Good question too. Judge for yourself. I have a projectwhose goal is to create a C ++ - to-C ++ auto generator of boilerplate code. This generator generates, for example, a manually written header file with structures or enums and, based on it, generates serialization / deserialization functions or, say, converting enum elements into strings (and vice versa). More details about this utility can be heard in my reports here (eng) or here (rus).
So, a typical problem solved in the process of working on the utility is the creation of header files, each of which has a header (with ifdefs and include), a body with the main contents and a basement. And the main content is generated declarations pushed by namespaces. Executed in C ++, the code for creating such a header file looks like this (and this is not all):
A lot of C ++ code
From here .
void Enum2StringGenerator::WriteHeaderContent(CppSourceStream &hdrOs)
std::vector<reflection::EnumInfoPtr> enums;
WriteNamespaceContents(hdrOs, m_namespaces.GetRootNamespace(), [this, &enums](CppSourceStream &os, reflection::NamespaceInfoPtr ns) {
for (auto& enumInfo : ns->enums)
WriteEnumToStringConversion(os, enumInfo);
WriteEnumFromStringConversion(os, enumInfo);
hdrOs << "\n\n";
out::BracedStreamScope flNs("\nnamespace flex_lib", "\n\n", 0);
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << flNs;
for (reflection::EnumInfoPtr enumInfo : enums)
auto scopedParams = MakeScopedParams(hdrOs, enumInfo);
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << "template<>";
out::BracedStreamScope body("inline const char* Enum2String($enumFullQualifiedName$ e)", "\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << body;
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << "return $namespaceQual$::$enumName$ToString(e);";
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << "template<>";
out::BracedStreamScope body("inline $enumFullQualifiedName$ String2Enum<$enumFullQualifiedName$>(const char* itemName)", "\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << body;
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << "return $namespaceQual$::StringTo$enumName$(itemName);";
out::BracedStreamScope flNs("\nnamespace std", "\n\n", 0);
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << flNs;
for (reflection::EnumInfoPtr enumInfo : enums)
auto scopedParams = MakeScopedParams(hdrOs, enumInfo);
out::BracedStreamScope body("inline std::string to_string($enumFullQualifiedName$ e)", "\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << body;
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << "return $namespaceQual$::$enumName$ToString(e);";
// Enum item to string conversion writervoid Enum2StringGenerator::WriteEnumToStringConversion(CppSourceStream &hdrOs, const reflection::EnumInfoPtr &enumDescr)
auto scopedParams = MakeScopedParams(hdrOs, enumDescr);
out::BracedStreamScope fnScope("inline const char* $enumName$ToString($enumScopedName$ e)", "\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << fnScope;
out::BracedStreamScope switchScope("switch (e)", "\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << switchScope;
out::OutParams innerParams;
for (auto& i : enumDescr->items)
innerParams["itemName"] = i.itemName;
hdrOs << out::with_params(innerParams)
<< out::new_line(-1) << "case $prefix$$itemName$:"
<< out::new_line(1) << "return \"$itemName$\";";
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << "return \"Unknown Item\";";
// String to enum conversion writervoid Enum2StringGenerator::WriteEnumFromStringConversion(CppSourceStream &hdrOs, const reflection::EnumInfoPtr &enumDescr)
auto params = MakeScopedParams(hdrOs, enumDescr);
out::BracedStreamScope fnScope("inline $enumScopedName$ StringTo$enumName$(const char* itemName)", "\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << fnScope;
out::BracedStreamScope itemsScope("static std::pair<const char*, $enumScopedName$> items[] = ", ";\n");
hdrOs << out::new_line(1) << itemsScope;
out::OutParams& innerParams = params.GetParams();
auto items = enumDescr->items;
std::sort(begin(items), end(items), [](auto& i1, auto& i2) {return i1.itemName < i2.itemName;});
for (auto& i : items)
innerParams["itemName"] = i.itemName;
hdrOs << out::with_params(innerParams) << out::new_line(1) << "{\"$itemName$\", $prefix$$itemName$},";
hdrOs << out::with_params(params.GetParams()) << R"(
$enumScopedName$ result;
if (!flex_lib::detail::String2Enum(itemName, items, result))
flex_lib::bad_enum_name::Throw(itemName, "$enumName$");
return result;)";
From here .
Moreover, this code varies little from file to file. Of course, you can use clang-format for formatting. But this does not negate the rest of the manual work on generating the source text.
And then at one point, I realized that life itself must be simplified. I did not consider the option of screwing a full-fledged scripting language due to the difficulty of supporting the final result. But to find a suitable template engine - and why not? It is useful to search, found, then found the specification for Jinja2 and realized that this is exactly what I need. For according to this spec, the templates for generating headers would look like this:
{% extends "header_skeleton.j2tpl" %}
{% block generator_headers %}
{% endblock %}
{% block namespaced_decls %}{{super()}}{% endblock %}
{% block namespace_content %}
{% forenum in ns.enums | sort(attribute="name") %}
{% set enumName = %}
{% set scopeSpec = enum.scopeSpecifier %}
{% set scopedName = scopeSpec ~ ('::'if scopeSpec) ~ enumName %}
{% set prefix = (scopedName + '::') ifnot enumInfo.isScoped else (scopedName ~ '::' ~ scopeSpec ~ ('::'if scopeSpec)) %}
inlineconstchar* {{enumName}}ToString({{scopedName}} e)
switch (e)
{% for itemName in enum.items | map(attribute="itemName") | sort%}
case {{prefix}}{{itemName}}:
{% endfor %}
return"Unknown Item";
inline {{scopedName}} StringTo{{enumName}}(constchar* itemName)
staticstd::pair<constchar*, {{scopedName}}> items[] = {
{% for itemName in enum.items | map(attribute="itemName") | sort %}
{"{{itemName}}", {{prefix}}{{itemName}} } {{','ifnot loop.last }}
{% endfor %}
{{scopedName}} result;
if (!flex_lib::detail::String2Enum(itemName, items, result))
flex_lib::bad_enum_name::Throw(itemName, "{{enumName}}");
return result;
{% endfor %}{% endblock %}
{% block global_decls %}
{% for ns in [rootNamespace] recursive %}
{% forenum in ns.enums %}
inlineconstchar* flex_lib::Enum2String({{enum.fullQualifiedName}} e)
return {{enum.namespaceQualifier}}::{{}}ToString(e);
inline {{enum.fullQualifiedName}} flex_lib::String2Enum<{{enum.fullQualifiedName}}>(constchar* itemName)
return {{enum.namespaceQualifier}}::StringTo{{}}(itemName);
inlinestd::stringto_string({{enum.fullQualifiedName}} e){
return {{enum.namespaceQualifier}}::{{}}ToString(e);
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
From here .

And so the Jinja2Cpp project appeared. I almost guessed about the complexity of the implementation of the basic (very basic) functionality. In general, I missed exactly the Pi coefficient in the square: it took me less than three months to write everything I needed. But when everything was finished, finished and inserted into the “Auto Programmer” - I realized that I tried not in vain. In fact, the code generation utility received a powerful scripting language combined with templates, which opened up completely new opportunities for development.
NB: I had the idea to screw Python (or Lua). But none of the existing full-fledged script engines does not solve “out of the box” questions on generating text from templates. That is, the Python would still have to screw the same Jinja2, and for Lua to look for something different. Why did I need this extra link?
Parser implementation

In the second phase only what was inside the “brackets” is parsed in detail. And here it was necessary to tinker. That inja, that in Jinja2CppLight, the expression parser is pretty simple. In the first case - on the same regexp'ah, in the second - handwritten, but supporting only very simple constructions. About the support of filters, testers, complex arithmetic or indexing there is not even talk. Namely, these features of Jinja2 were what I wanted most of all. Therefore, I had no choice but to attack a full-fledged LL (1) -parser (sometimes context-sensitive) that implements the necessary grammar. About ten to fifteen years ago, I would probably take a Bison or ANTLR for this and implement the parser with their help. About seven years ago I would try Boost.Spirit. Now I just implemented the necessary recursive descent parser, without causing unnecessary dependencies and significantly increasing the compile time, as it would have been if using external utilities or Boost.Spirit. At the output of the parser, I get an AST (for expressions or for operators), which is stored as a template, ready for later rendering.
Example of expression parsing logic
From here .
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<FullExpressionEvaluator> ExpressionParser::ParseFullExpression(LexScanner &lexer, bool includeIfPart)
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<FullExpressionEvaluator> result;
LexScanner::StateSaver saver(lexer);
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<FullExpressionEvaluator> evaluator = std::make_shared<FullExpressionEvaluator>();
auto value = ParseLogicalOr(lexer);
if (!value)
return result;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<ExpressionFilter> filter;
if (lexer.PeekNextToken() == '|')
filter = ParseFilterExpression(lexer);
if (!filter)
return result;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<IfExpression> ifExpr;
if (lexer.PeekNextToken() == Token::If)
if (includeIfPart)
ifExpr = ParseIfExpression(lexer);
if (!ifExpr)
return result;
return evaluator;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> ExpressionParser::ParseLogicalOr(LexScanner& lexer)
auto left = ParseLogicalAnd(lexer);
if (!left)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
if (lexer.NextToken() != Token::LogicalOr)
return left;
auto right = ParseLogicalOr(lexer);
if (!right)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
returnstd::make_shared<BinaryExpression>(BinaryExpression::LogicalOr, left, right);
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> ExpressionParser::ParseLogicalAnd(LexScanner& lexer)
auto left = ParseLogicalCompare(lexer);
if (!left)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
if (lexer.NextToken() != Token::LogicalAnd)
return left;
auto right = ParseLogicalAnd(lexer);
if (!right)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
returnstd::make_shared<BinaryExpression>(BinaryExpression::LogicalAnd, left, right);
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> ExpressionParser::ParseLogicalCompare(LexScanner& lexer)
auto left = ParseStringConcat(lexer);
if (!left)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
auto tok = lexer.NextToken();
BinaryExpression::Operation operation;
switch (tok.type)
case Token::Equal:
operation = BinaryExpression::LogicalEq;
case Token::NotEqual:
operation = BinaryExpression::LogicalNe;
operation = BinaryExpression::LogicalLt;
operation = BinaryExpression::LogicalGt;
case Token::GreaterEqual:
operation = BinaryExpression::LogicalGe;
case Token::LessEqual:
operation = BinaryExpression::LogicalLe;
case Token::In:
operation = BinaryExpression::In;
case Token::Is:
Token nextTok = lexer.NextToken();
if (nextTok != Token::Identifier)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
std::string name = AsString(nextTok.value);
bool valid = true;
CallParams params;
if (lexer.NextToken() == '(')
params = ParseCallParams(lexer, valid);
if (!valid)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
returnstd::make_shared<IsExpression>(left, std::move(name), std::move(params));
return left;
auto right = ParseStringConcat(lexer);
if (!right)
return ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression>();
returnstd::make_shared<BinaryExpression>(operation, left, right);
From here .
Fragment of AST Expression Tree Classes
From here .
classExpressionFilter;classIfExpression;classFullExpressionEvaluator :public ExpressionEvaluatorBase
voidSetExpression(ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> expr){
m_expression = expr;
voidSetFilter(ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<ExpressionFilter> expr){
m_filter = expr;
voidSetTester(ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<IfExpression> expr){
m_tester = expr;
InternalValue Evaluate(RenderContext& values) override;
voidRender(OutStream &stream, RenderContext &values) override;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> m_expression;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<ExpressionFilter> m_filter;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<IfExpression> m_tester;
classValueRefExpression :public Expression
ValueRefExpression(std::string valueName)
: m_valueName(valueName)
InternalValue Evaluate(RenderContext& values) override;
std::string m_valueName;
classSubscriptExpression :public Expression
SubscriptExpression(ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> value, ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> subscriptExpr)
: m_value(value)
, m_subscriptExpr(subscriptExpr)
InternalValue Evaluate(RenderContext& values) override;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> m_value;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<Expression> m_subscriptExpr;
classConstantExpression :public Expression
ConstantExpression(InternalValue constant)
: m_constant(constant)
InternalValue Evaluate(RenderContext&) override
return m_constant;
InternalValue m_constant;
classTupleCreator :public Expression
TupleCreator(std::vector<ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<>> exprs)
: m_exprs(std::move(exprs))
InternalValue Evaluate(RenderContext&) override;
std::vector<ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<>> m_exprs;
From here .
An example of classes of AST-tree operators
From here .
structStatement :public RendererBase
template<typename T = Statement>
using StatementPtr = std::shared_ptr<T>;
template<typename CharT>
classTemplateImpl;classForStatement :public Statement
ForStatement(std::vector<std::string> vars, ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> expr, ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> ifExpr, bool isRecursive)
: m_vars(std::move(vars))
, m_value(expr)
, m_ifExpr(ifExpr)
, m_isRecursive(isRecursive)
voidSetMainBody(RendererPtr renderer){
m_mainBody = renderer;
voidSetElseBody(RendererPtr renderer){
m_elseBody = renderer;
voidRender(OutStream& os, RenderContext& values) override;
voidRenderLoop(const InternalValue& val, OutStream& os, RenderContext& values);
std::vector<std::string> m_vars;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> m_value;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> m_ifExpr;
bool m_isRecursive;
RendererPtr m_mainBody;
RendererPtr m_elseBody;
classElseBranchStatement;classIfStatement :public Statement
IfStatement(ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> expr)
: m_expr(expr)
voidSetMainBody(RendererPtr renderer){
m_mainBody = renderer;
voidAddElseBranch(StatementPtr<ElseBranchStatement> branch){
voidRender(OutStream& os, RenderContext& values) override;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> m_expr;
RendererPtr m_mainBody;
std::vector<StatementPtr<ElseBranchStatement>> m_elseBranches;
classElseBranchStatement :public Statement
ElseBranchStatement(ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> expr)
: m_expr(expr)
boolShouldRender(RenderContext& values)const;
voidSetMainBody(RendererPtr renderer){
m_mainBody = renderer;
voidRender(OutStream& os, RenderContext& values) override;
ExpressionEvaluatorPtr<> m_expr;
RendererPtr m_mainBody;
From here .
AST nodes are bound only to the template text and are converted to totals at the time of rendering, taking into account the current rendering context and its parameters. This made it possible to make thread-safe templates. But more about this in terms of rendering itself.
As the primary tokenizer, I chose the lexertk library. It has the license and header-only I need. It was necessary, however, to cut off all the bells and whistles from the calculation of the balance of brackets and so on, and leave only the tokenizer itself, which (after a small file straightening) learned to work not only with char, but also with wchar_t-characters. From above, this tokenizer was wrapped by another class that performs three main functions: a) abstracts the parser code from the type of characters being worked with, b) recognizes keywords specific to Jinja2 and c) provides a convenient interface for working with the stream of tokens:
From here .
Lexer::TokensList::const_iterator m_begin;
Lexer::TokensList::const_iterator m_end;
Lexer::TokensList::const_iterator m_cur;
StateSaver(LexScanner& scanner)
: m_state(scanner.m_state)
, m_scanner(scanner)
if (!m_commited)
m_scanner.m_state = m_state;
m_commited = true;
State m_state;
LexScanner& m_scanner;
bool m_commited = false;
LexScanner(const Lexer& lexer)
m_state.m_begin = lexer.GetTokens().begin();
m_state.m_end = lexer.GetTokens().end();
m_state.m_cur = m_state.m_begin;
return m_state;
voidRestoreState(const State& state){
m_state = state;
const Token& NextToken(){
if (m_state.m_cur == m_state.m_end)
return EofToken();
return *m_state.m_cur ++;
if (m_state.m_cur != m_state.m_end)
++ m_state.m_cur;
if (m_state.m_cur != m_state.m_begin)
-- m_state.m_cur;
const Token& PeekNextToken()const{
if (m_state.m_cur == m_state.m_end)
return EofToken();
return *m_state.m_cur;
boolEatIfEqual(char type, Token* tok = nullptr){
return EatIfEqual(static_cast<Token::Type>(type), tok);
boolEatIfEqual(Token::Type type, Token* tok = nullptr){
if (m_state.m_cur == m_state.m_end)
if(type == Token::Type::Eof && tok)
*tok = EofToken();
return type == Token::Type::Eof;
if (m_state.m_cur->type == type)
if (tok)
*tok = *m_state.m_cur;
++ m_state.m_cur;
State m_state;
staticconst Token& EofToken(){
static Token eof;
eof.type = Token::Eof;
return eof;
From here .
Thus, despite the fact that the engine can work with both char and wchar_t templates, the basic parsing code does not depend on the type of character. But more about this - in the section on adventure with the type of characters.
Separately, I had to tinker with the control structures. In Jinja2, many of them are steam rooms. For example, for / endfor, if / endif, block / endblock, etc. Each element of the pair goes in its “brackets”, and there can be a lot of elements between the elements: just text, and other control blocks. Therefore, the template parsing algorithm had to be done on the basis of the stack, to the current top element of which all newly found constructions and instructions, as well as simple text fragments between them, “cling”. By the same stack, the absence of imbalance type if-for-endif-endfor is checked. As a result of all this, the code turned out to be not so “compact” as, say, Jinja2CppLight (or inja), where the entire implementation is in one source (or header). But the parsing logic and, in fact, the grammar in the code are more clearly visible, which simplifies its support and expansion. At least that's what I wanted. Minimizing the number of dependencies or the amount of code still does not work, so you need to make it more understandable.
In the next part, we will discuss the process of rendering templates, but for now - links:
Jinja2 specification:
Jinja2Cpp implementation:
Jinja2CppLight implementation :
Implementation of inja:
Utility for generating code based on Jinja2 templates: