Digital events in Moscow from July 9 to 15

    A selection of key events in Moscow for the week.


    FRII: How to customize UX, increase conversion and increase sales

    • July 11 (Wednesday)
    • FRIA, Myasnitskaya st, house 13, p. 18
    • is free
    • In the morning of July 11, I will talk in FRIA about why a good UX is one of the main competitive advantages, how to properly prepare and set up its testing, and how usability tests help an IT startup to achieve maximum conversion and increase sales.

    Tatyana Chernigovskaya: "How art affects the brain"

    • July 11 (Wednesday)
    • Gogol Center, Kazakova 8
    • from 2000 p.
    • What happens to our brain while communicating with art? Why is it necessary for everyone? And why dogs don't go to the museum? We learn at the lecture of Tatiana of Chernigov "How art affects the brain."

    HSE Pizza Pitch at Vernissage

    • July 12 (Thursday)
    • Izmailovo shosse, 73ZH
    • is free
    • On July 12, the HSE Business Incubator will hold a traditional open microphone for entrepreneurs on a new platform - in the creative district Vernissage near the Izmailovo Kremlin in Moscow. Each guest will be able to tell about their project, share an idea, hear feedback, find new contacts, communicate with like-minded people and have a great time in the fresh air.

    World Cup Final 2018

    • July 15 (Sunday)
    • Luzhniki

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