Bachelor programs in partnership with Yandex

    Yandex has been actively involved in education for more than ten years: we have our own programs for schoolchildren (Yandex.Lice) and students (School of data analysis and schools for professions), as well as close work with universities. Now there is a reception of documents from entering universities, there were few weeks before the deadline. We want to remind about our projects in undergraduate studies in mathematics and computer science in Russia.

    Each university program has its own characteristics. Directions of study, topics, the ratio of the volume of mathematics and programming - all this differs from place to place. But there are important principles that we try to follow along with our university colleagues:

    • Preparing for work and life in the future. Modernity and relevance for science and industry. With the maximum balance between theory and practice.
    • Strong teaching staff. Classes are conducted by representatives of the best scientific centers of the country and the world, as well as practices from technology companies
    • Active design and / or research work. Students work with leading scientists and specialists from the IT industry as part of the curriculum and internships.

    We tell under a cat about partner bachelor programs in Moscow and St. Petersburg.



    (HSE Building on Myasnitskaya St.) The

    Faculty of Computer Science was created in 2014 in conjunction with Yandex, which developed the concept of the faculty and forms an educational program with the HSE. The FKN trains specialists for the IT industry in three undergraduate programs. Over the four years of its existence, the faculty has grown quite strongly. Now FKN has 8 research laboratories, and the list of industrial partners includes about ten large companies from Russia and the world. The faculty has a scholarship program named after the co-founder of Yandex, Ilya Segalovich. Also for first-year students who have distinguished themselves at the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in mathematics, computer science and physics, a new scholarship from Yandex is being introduced from the new academic year. Directions of undergraduate study:

    “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”

    The program prepares data engineers, computer science analysts, computer science researchers, software engineers, and software engineers. Academic Program Manager - Anton Konushin.
    The program was developed in 2014, taking into account the experience of leading computer science departments at EPFL universities in Switzerland and Stanford in the USA, as well as the Yandex Data Analysis School. In addition to the professional cycle (Major), a student can choose an additional profile and receive training in it (Minor). In senior courses, students choose a specialization of the following options:

    • Machine learning and applications
    • Distributed systems
    • Analysis and decision making
    • Data Analysis and Intelligent Systems

    “Software Engineering”

    The program prepares leading software developers and architects, project managers, software quality managers and software development processes. Academic Program Manager - Valery Shilov.

    The combination of theoretical training with practical experience in the companies. Contracts with more than 100 companies - industry leaders open up opportunities for students to gain competence in implementing a wide range of real IT projects.

    The program fully complies with international guidelines on teaching software engineering in higher education institutions in the areas of Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering and the international professional standard SWEBOK. In 2011, the program received the prestigious IBM Faculty Award.

    “Applied data analysis”

    New! Having accumulated experience in the training of data science specialists at the International Subcommittee and at the FKN, Yandex, the Higher School of Economics and the University of London open the undergraduate program “Applied Data Analysis”. All training will be held in English, and graduates will receive two diplomas: a bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from HSE and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Data Science and Business Analytics, University of London. Academic Program Manager - Tamara Voznesenskaya.
    The program prepares analysts and data scientists who have an understanding of the tasks of applied economics, in particular, problems of the financial sphere, and who are able to creatively apply their knowledge and skills to successfully solving them. The graduate will be able to become a leading expert in modern financial organizations, consulting, IT companies and start-ups.

    The developer and curator of the British part of the program is the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), one of the leading universities in the world. FKN will supplement the program with traditionally strong mathematics, programming and machine learning. In the process of learning, students will have the opportunity to participate in the LSE summer schools, to get acquainted with the life of British students.

    In total, the program allocated 50 places for Russian students and 10 for foreign students. Training is paid, but discounts are provided, including one hundred percent for the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad. There are seven other discounts (from 75% to 10%) for the strongest entrants.


    The Physical and Technical School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (FPMI) was created in 2016 with the aim to unite the best areas of MIPT in the field of mathematics, computer science and their applications. The resulting unique combination of science and industry has created a platform for research centers and laboratories. Due to this, students enrolled in the programs of FIVT and FUPM receive high-quality fundamental education and apply their knowledge in current research tasks. Now in FPMI there are more than 20 basic and faculty departments, more than ten laboratories and large industrial partners.

    The basic department of Yandex - the department of data analysis - has been operating at MIPT for more than ten years. An important feature of MIPT is that the main cycle of training in various areas of training fits into two and a half years, after which students are distributed are distributed among the departments of the basic organizations: partner companies and academic institutions, and further they study mainly disciplines of their specialization.

    At the Physical and Technical School there are three areas of training at the undergraduate level:

    “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”

    The program is aimed at training specialists in the field of IT-development and data analysis. For admission to the PMI is required to take mathematics and computer science. In addition, a separate group of students is traditionally distinguished in this area, and they go deep into the study of theoretical mathematics.

    “Applied Mathematics and Physics”

    The direction of PMF is based on a deep study of physics, which is very important for the construction of mathematical models in various industries: transport, economics, bioinformatics, climate, aircraft industry, the oil and gas industry, etc. Specializations inside: mathematical physics, computer technologies, economics and management, data analysis.

    “Computer Science and Engineering”

    New! The direction of training, which starts in the 2018 academic year, focused on the preparation of engineering personnel. For admission it is necessary, in addition to mathematics, to pass both computer science and physics. Substantially, this direction borrows applied disciplines both from the direction of the PMI and from the TFM, which allows for the training of specialists at the junction of these areas. In particular, in the development of "iron" and microcontroller technology.

    St. Petersburg



    The cooperation of Yandex and St. Petersburg State University at the master's level began in 2014. Since 2018, we have become actively involved in the preparation of bachelors in collaboration with the laboratory to them. P.L. Chebyshev St. Petersburg State University in two areas:

    “Mathematics” with the track “Mathematics, algorithms and data analysis”

    The program is designed for those who love mathematics and its applications. The program board is headed by Stanislav Smirnov, Fields Prize winner. Undergraduate opened in 2015, the program was developed by leading foreign and domestic scientists. Students have the opportunity to go to international conferences, take part and win in prestigious international math competitions.

    New! Track “Mathematics, algorithms and data analysis”. For new sets, with the participation of Yandex, new elective courses are introduced on a variety of topics - algorithms and data structures, machine learning, parallel computing, large data and other subjects.

    The number of budget places is 50. To increase the number of places on the program, Yandex has established a scholarship for those who go to extrabudgetary places: 18 students will be covered with tuition.

    “Modern Programming”
    New!In 2018, a stream of “modern programming” opens in St. Petersburg State University. It will be very interesting for those who want to do industrial programming, as well as for those who just love to invent and program algorithms. Training will be held on Vasilyevsky Island in collaboration with the laboratory of P. L. Chebyshev St. Petersburg State University. The flow is created with the support and in cooperation with the companies JetBrains and Yandex: employees of companies will both read courses and offer projects for practice. Enthusiastic sports programming will be given the opportunity to train under the guidance of leading trainers. It is planned to recruit up to 25 people.

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