Auto-posting services for VKontakte

    Hello everyone! Recently, I have been leading my VKontakte community - Music Zone . For a long time everything was smooth, I posted ~ 2 entries a day, but once having gone to another city on business (of course there is no Internet there), I thought about auto-posting. A little google, I found several services that allow this to be implemented.

    Now there is no need to sit at the monitor all day. Create content at a convenient time, BuzzLike will post your messages at the specified time. Your community will grow while you relax.
    Service link:

    If you are an active blogger on social networks or you have your own group / public page - you have come to the address. The goal of our project is simple - to help you save time and nerves. Feedman is a dude who does all your scheduled work! We have developed a convenient interface for you with many useful and very useful features.
    Service link:

    FeedTime is a scheduled publishing service that saves you time. FeedTime works in popular social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Just set a schedule and the recordings will be sent at the indicated time. You can attach audio recordings, pictures or videos to them. You can broadcast RSS to a group, as well as create an RSS feed from the posted entries.
    Service link:

    Time2Post is a service that integrates your public pages on VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Time2Post is a postponed posting service on Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Time2Post allows you to instantly send a message immediately to a group (public) of Vkontakte, to a page on Facebook and an account on Twitter. You can also set a schedule and messages will be sent without your participation.
    Service link:

    Sociate is an advertising exchange and free scheduled posting on social networks, which provides the opportunity to earn on Vkontakte groups and receive high-quality traffic from social networks. With us you can place your ads on the best sites of Vkontakte or receive a steady income from the publication of advertising posts on the group’s page.
    Service link:

    According to statistics conducted by facebook, the efficiency of automatic posting to social networks is approximately 3-5%, in contrast to manual posting. The thing is that a person immediately sees whether this is an automatic post or not. And immediately an opinion is formed. If a person sees a beautiful announcement and the opinion of the author in the announcement, this means that the author has tried and really wants to share something interesting with the public. There are many more clicks on such announcements.

    Therefore, decide for yourself what is more important for you. To take in quantity or quality ... I am of course for a qualitative quantity, but will there be enough time and energy? In general, everyone must decide for himself.

    PS If you know other services, write, be sure to add.

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