The sites of the Prime Minister and the Government of the Russian Federation were transferred to a Creative Commons license

    The website of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and the website of the Government of the Russian Federation were transferred to a free Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported ( CC BY ) license , under which all materials on these resources are now distributed. The CC BY license allows you to freely copy, distribute and transmit content to others, create derivative works and use the information for commercial purposes, requiring in return only the instructions of the author and source. and were the first sites at the federal level that switched to distributing information under the Creative Commons license, moving the content to free. Prior to this, information from sites could not be fully used, for example, on Wikipedia. Unlike the United States, in Russia, content produced by the authorities does not fall into the public domain, so it is especially important for Russia to use CC licenses in order to make public information free and accessible to citizens.

    Via OpenNET

    True, here is the link, to the license, on the website of the Prime Minister and the government is broken .

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