DonateMe Donation Collection (Part I)

    The PaySto payment system, through which payments are made on the Internet, has a number of features, thanks to which it can be used for various purposes. One of these features is the ability to raise funds online, in other words, donations. Donations can be collected both by individual users, for their personal purposes, and by entire organizations.

    What kind of idea is it - to raise funds on the Internet from completely strangers who are not connected with the initiator of the fees by any obligations? In fact, there are many reasons for the fees. This and help sick children or orphanages, and donations for other noble purposes. There are also startups on the web who gather people with dreams on their websites. Users describe their dreams and indicate the amount needed to realize them. Other members of the community can help them with money and in this way contribute to the implementation of plans.

    To implement the collection of funds from Internet users in this vein, it is necessary to integrate a tool into websites that would help transfer money from donor accounts to recipient accounts. It is the creators of PaySto who offer such a tool - the donateMe service for individual donations and FundingTo - for group donations.

    It is important that PaySto employees focus on the ease of use of the service and on the fact that for people collecting donations, it is only necessary to integrate the tool into their sites. They do not need special knowledge in programming and creating new web pages.

    Those who want to help with money for one or another charity idea can choose a payment method and a currency type convenient for them when making a contribution. Already in the PaySto system, funds will be converted to the currency that the recipients need.

    PaySto will help you integrate a special button or form on the recipient’s website that donors will be able to go to the donateMe / FundingTo page (depending on the type of donation and recipient’s needs). If the user needs to collect charitable contributions for a noble purpose, and he does not have his own web resource, then PaySto will help to generate a separate page on the Internet to which donors will go and transfer funds.

    In order to use one of the tools for receiving donations on the Internet from the PaySto system, the user must be registered in the system itself, create his own Personal Account - account. Let me remind you that both registration and access to PaySto are free. For using the PaySto service, a fee is charged by the donor and does not exceed 7.5% of the payment amount.

    As soon as the collector creates his PaySto account, donateMe service will immediately become available to him.

    To be continued...

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