Competition "Holidays of the Future"

    According to Mayan chronology, the modern era (with electronic beer openers and supercomputers in mobile phones) began on August 12, 3114 BC. e. and should be completed on December 21, 2012 e. Consequently, the coming new year will be the last for humanity. The president’s last speech, the fading clink of glasses, the sound of chimes turning into cacophony, the treacherously warming bottle of ice. What scares us is not so much the prospect of the entire Solar System collapsing into a black hole formed after the successful materialization of the Higson Boson, but how likely it is to meet the next year, 2013, in some newly-formed hell, in the continuum of which there is no place for Olivier.

    Holy post-New Year days have always existed. This holiday is in our blood, slightly diluted on March 8th and with our own birthday. For some aesthetes, the holy day is the day of the airborne forces, marine or space marines. Not every holiday is celebrated by the whole country with a mandatory day off, but each has its own special, unlike the other, reason to feel happier.

    The holiday is a special element in the structure of social time. The main function of the holiday is the sociocultural integration of various communities. A variety of holidays allows for multivariate types of positive integration. A festive performance of any level is built in the image of a family holiday, while attempts are made to strengthen the integration of sociocultural fields.

    In anticipation of the most “global” holiday for the Russians - the new year, let's think about what may be the holidays of the future? After all, it is obvious that the social structure in the era of globalization and social networks is changing significantly, the evolution of interhuman relations is moving to a new level, which means that holidays should also be fundamentally different.

    The creative task is to describe what they will be, these holidays of the future.

    An example of a "holiday of the future" exists today. September 11, 2009 Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that sets up a new official holiday in Russia - “Programmer's Day”. Professional holiday programmers celebrate on the 256th day of the year. It seemed that not many years had passed, and now this holiday is taken for granted. It's hard to say exactly how programmers celebrate it, but you can dream up on this topic by stepping into the future for several years.

    You can come up with a completely new holiday (apocalypse day :), or talk about changes in established traditions. And suddenly, by 2020, they will finally get rid of the Christmas trees!

    Prizes for the competition are distributed as follows:


    First place - tablet ASUS Transformer TF101 32 Gb + dock-station.


    Second place is the e-book reader ASUS Eee Reader .


    Third place is the ASUS WL-500gP V2 router .

    Contest blog - “ Future Holidays Contest ”.

    Date: until December 24th.

    Hurry, good luck, and with the coming!

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