Choosing an application for iOS for building graphs and not only

Good day, dear readers!
Many require an assistant in business. To each - his own. In this article I want to consider serious calculators with the ability to build graphs for iOS, and specifically for the iPad. As soon as I entered the institute and ran into a mat. analysis, I realized that as never before I need an assistant. But this assistant cannot be a banal calculator. It would be nice if he knew how to count integrals, decompose a function into a Taylor series, and construct nontrivial graphs. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the training, I already had an apple tablet iPad 2. He became my assistant. The tablet itself can not do anything, so our task is to explore the AppStore

for the presence of applications interesting to us in it. In this article I will try to describe several applications that seemed to me the most interesting. Some, indeed, can play a significant role in the learning process.
I will not focus on design, because functionality is more important to us, and good iOS apps are rarely ugly.

We formulate some requirements for an ideal application:
  • -Specialized keyboard
  • -Adequate “builder” of charts
  • -Autonomous operation

For the ideal, I want to take Wolfram Calcus , which provides all this with the exception of battery life (requires Internet access). I will consider this application at the very end, because I consider it the most interesting.


I want to start with him, because I’m going to increase the usefulness of programs.
The application icon looks like a notepad with the letter “Pi” (I don’t know why, but developers love to put this symbol on the icons), by itself it is free, but some functions are closed, the cost of “unlock” individual functions is $ 1.99, and the Pro version is $ 2.99 . Let's see what the Free version offers us.
There are two tabs in the application: Form and Utilites. The first is a reference to the basic mathematical sections, which “sucks” information from Wikipedia. imageI personally don’t see the point in this part of the program, since Wiki rarely provides serious theory and it is always preferable to use the textbooks issued - it’s more reliable. The Utilites tab contains much more interesting things.
- I did not like it very much, it was made with some kind of engineering engineering, but the implementation and ease of use leave much to be desired. image
"Solver" of equations
- solves only quadratic equations, unless a 6th grade student is useful (or when the quadratic equations pass there ...)
Fraction calculator
- write a decimal fraction, indicate the maximum order of the denominator and get a simple fraction, it is also useless.
Advanced calculator
- o-pa! We get into a terribly inconvenient mini-browser with access to WolframAlpha . Thanks, we can do it ourselves. image
Well, the rest of the functions, such as the graph builder, the solver of systems of equations, the solver of matrices and the mysterious Quick Form are closed in the free version. Judging by the screenshots in the AppStore, they are the same poorly implemented utilities as free ones. Well, this application is not worthy of the attention of a student who has already stopped solving school problems. The only funny and maybe even useful feature is the ability to draw in the fields. There is enough free space for this.
iTunes - iMathematics!

Free Graphing Simbolic Calculator - PocketCAS lite

Free, the same letter "Pi" on the icon. Builds only graphs. There is a built-in specialized keyboard, it is quite convenient to use it, which can not be said about the application itself as a whole. It builds simple graphics, and thanks for that.
demanding something complicated is not worth it. Personally, I was not able to finally understand the program, which makes it impossible to continue working comfortably and quickly with it. What is my torment to delete the already constructed schedule. It's a pity. The very idea of ​​the program is wonderful. iTunes - Free Graphing Simbolic Calculator - PocketCAS lite

Free graphing calculator

As the name implies, it is free and all the functionality is immediately open. This program is already very close to my requirements and I want to call it “serious”.
Here we have eight tabs.
Here we see a REAL engineering calculator with a simply amazing number of functions. There is no point in describing everything, but believe me, they should be enough for you. It is also convenient that the old calculation results are not deleted - the last four are visible. The parentheses control is also well implemented - the set does not slow down, everything is fast and clear.
Here you can see 4 fields where you can enter any functions and equations using all the functions of the calculator. Everything is just as convenient and fast.
Here, graphs are constructed according to the equations already introduced in the previous tab, they are highlighted in different colors, the axes can be scaled and moved in the way that suits us.
As the name implies, reference material on the basic rules of various sections of mathematics. There are so many that even too lazy to look at everything.
Clear. Shows some values ​​of the entered function.
Lattice of triangles.
Enter the lengths of the sides - we get the angles. You can vice versa. (Again, the function is likely to be useful only at school, though ...)
Lattice of quadratic equations.
Everything related to settings and other information.

What we have? This is a worthy application, one of the best, can help at a critical moment.
iTunes - Free Graphing Calculator
But in the AppStore there is also a paid version that offers even more wide functionality. It costs $ 1.99 and is called Scientific Graphing Calculator .

Quick graph

One of the best apps in my opinion. The free version looks like PocketCAS lite with its idea , but all this is implemented much more evenly and conveniently. Allows you to build only graphs, but there are a lot of opportunities associated with them. You can immediately display up to six charts (the paid version for $ 1.99 does not have this limitation), highlight them in different colors. The workspace is of course scaled. You can build graphics in 3D. It is possible to save as a picture to the gallery or send it immediately by mail. Available is a fairly detailed help on using the program. Extended keyboard included. iTunes - Quick Graph

Wolfram calcus

This is the only paid app on my list. But it costs its $ 2.99 and pays for them in full.
I hope everyone knows the incomprehensible features of the WolframAlpha service . So, this application is an ideal tool for working with it. Unlike the usual search line, here we have a division into main sections, in each of which there is an advanced control of a function. For example, taking a derivative, we can set its order, expanding the function in a Taylor series, we can choose the accuracy of the expansion. I will go through the main sections of the program:
  • Conventional calculations
  • A piece of the function graph (the interval can be set). Builds graphics of any complexity. That's why he and Wolfram.
  • Limits
  • Differentiation
  • Integration
  • Ranks
  • Sequences

Almost each has subsections that clarify the task. Of course, there is an expanded keyboard with special characters that simplifies and speeds up data entry. The only drawback, quite significant, is the requirement of the Internet, which reduces our mobility. iTunes - Wolfram Calcus Course Assistant There is also an even more functional application from Wolfram , it is more expensive and has more functions, but I can not say anything concrete about it. iTunes - Wolfram Multivariable Calculus Course Assistant Well, to summarize. In the appstore

there are not so many applications of this type, but they are there, there are plenty to choose from. There are free, there are paid ones, all with their pros and cons. But everyone should choose for himself, depending on needs.

PS I only stated my opinion on this issue and, I hope, it will help someone make a decision.

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