Christmas trees - here they grow

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Everything happens in life - somewhere the snow has melted, someone has fake Christmas toys, but some continue to believe in Santa Claus and even celebrate his birthday today.

But the speech, of course, is not about him, it is about the Christmas trees.

Somewhere since August, the following letters began to come to the support service: “When, hear when the Christmas trees that have fallen this spring will be replaced by new and green ?!”. It's about the themes of the design of the main page, we understood. Therefore, we thought and decided, and what to expect, it's not a salad.

So here you have young trees, brought, grow. Plain, at first glance, plants ( one and the second

) must grow to the side and wrap tinsel before the New Year. And in order for your spruce to grow and become beautiful, you need to think about it more often, do good deeds and do not smoke.

Responsible for the Christmas tree market

PS Happy Birthday, Santa Claus! (check your mail)


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