Google vs Yandex or Why is Google looking better?

    I have been using Yandex for a long time as a habit, and I used to be skeptical about allegations that Google is looking better, even in the Russian-language segment - after all, Yandex has always found what I need. Until I began to compare. The latest example: yesterday I posted on Habré in the corporate blog of Sony Ericsson an overview of the new phone.

    Today I scored it in search engines, we look:

    However, there is a spoon of honey. I checked yesterday’s post about upgrading Xperia to Android 4.0 by the most popular Yandex version of the request “Xperia update”. Here, both Yandex and Google give yesterday's post on the first page.

    Hence the conclusion: neither Yandex nor Google has problems with indexing fresh content. But our ranking is clearly worse, and this is only one specific example - I have already come across this many times before, today's case is just an illustration.

    What is the cause of the problems - in a less sophisticated algorithm or more cluttered with seoshnikami output? It is possible that Yandex, struggling with cheating, spilled out a child along with water - under the filters cutting seo-garbage, high-quality content, which, in theory, it should look for, also falls. After that, to say that Yandex is shit, of course, is impossible. The differences are not "work-does not work", but at the level of nuances. But competition for that and competition, in order to compare - Google fulfills the same topics better.

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