Electronic Bear Pillow Helps Eliminate Snoring

    What manufacturers just won’t come up with in order to help different people with different problems. The other day, one of the companies introduced a toy bear that helps to get rid of snoring at night. True, the bear does not relieve the cause of snoring, but simply wakes the snoring person. Of course, it may appeal to those who suffer from snoring, but those who snore are unlikely to like it all - it will be very difficult to sleep. The device was created by specialists from the University of Wasaeda Univeristy. It is clear that so far this is only a test model, which was presented last week in Tokyo, at the International exhibition of robots.

    The bear is large enough, it can and should be used as a pillow. Automation is built into the soft shell, tracking, firstly, the sound level, and secondly, the oxygen level (in the blood, as far as you can understand). There are no wires, monitoring is provided by the presence of sensitive sensors.

    As soon as the toy "understands" that the person is snoring, the sleeping person receives a paw in the face. Actually, this is not a blow, but more like tickling. Perhaps the snoring person will not wake up completely, but the snoring will cease. True, there are several rather uncomfortable things. Firstly, you need to sleep within reach of the paw of the "bear". Secondly, as far as you can understand from the video, the finger needs to be placed in a special sensor that measures the level of oxygen in the blood.

    That is, sleep, in fact, will have to be in one position - on the back, "soldier". It is unlikely that all this will contribute to a good dream. In such a situation, falling asleep will be a problem, let alone a good night's rest throughout the night. But the device is created, and therefore, does anyone need this?

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