Dummy job

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Think you just find a good interface developer? Unfortunately not. And it’s even more difficult to find not just a great professional, but one who will become part of the team, which will be cool to work on joint projects. Therefore, the search process for us is always long and difficult. And we have noticed more than once: you will write the standard text of the vacancy, and many candidates come, many, but not those.


Like any project, ours began with an idea. And other managers and developers liked it so much that everyone was glad to at least somehow participate and help us. The idea itself was to make a bright poster instead of the usual text of the vacancy, which could better be described by our developer than any words.


All stages, as in the present project, were divided between specialists. Leah and I performed managerial tasks: we drew a poster layout, described the requirements, and infected the guys with enthusiasm.
Alina and Roma, as real interface developers, agreed to become the faces of our layout department.




Dan - a photographer, as well as the head of the web search infrastructure department - organized a mini-studio and held a professional photo shoot. Sasha - a specialist in computer vision and Photoshop - helped with retouching and photo processing. And the design was also done by a professional for us! By the way, we also came up with tasks and text for posters together.


backstage backstage




The guys from the SHAD agreed to help with the distribution of posters in their universities, so if you see them, do not be surprised, but tell your friends.
And if you are interested to see how we work and relax, you can take a look at a  selection of photos of our everyday life and beyond .


PS: Many thanks to everyone for participating!


Team of managers and developers


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