Media Resources Module: Cornerstone

    Preparation of advertising materials is a very multi-stage, complex process, associated with a bunch of all sorts of approvals, numerous adjustments and file modifications. Everyone suffers from a headache - both for designers and customers. A lot of time is being spent on routine - phoning, e-mail correspondence, sending preview files to and fro.

    In order to get rid of all the annoying delays and make working with media content easy, enjoyable and effective, there are specialized media resource management systems (Media Asset Management, abbreviated MAM-systems).

    We bring to your attention a story about such a system using the example of the “Media Resources” module from BrandMaker. Moreover, this is one of the key modules of BrandMaker, around which everyone else is built. It provides centralized work with documents, images, multimedia data.

    Any MAM system rests on three “pillars”:

    1. Central repository of media objects of any format

    The core of the MAM system is the central database of advertising materials, which serves as a place to store media objects of any format and type, such as individual graphic images, brochure layouts , booklets, banners, as well as videos and audio files - everything that can be attributed to advertising resources.
    Employees of the company can independently download the necessary advertising resources from the system through a local network or the Internet to use them in presentations or other advertising projects.
    The client company itself can configure which advertising resources can be used under a certain license and for certain purposes, as well as which employees will have access to certain advertising materials. Additionally, you can set the validity period of the image or document.
    All these tools provide the best protection against the illegal use of marketing materials, make it impossible to use inconsistent or outdated versions, violation of corporate style requirements.


    2. Processing of the starting material before loading.

    This includes the function of a convenient preview of the document - when you hover over the file name, a preview with basic information about the document is displayed.

    When you click on a file, a preview window opens with more detailed information and the ability to page-by-page view the contents of the document without opening it.


    And finally, there is a function of an increased preview, with which you can, without unloading the document from the system, view it in detail. Moreover, previews are created on the server without affecting the productive capacity of the end-user computer. Accordingly, the manager can view files, for example, of the .indd format, without installing InDesign. And even edit it if there is a Web-to-Print module that we already wrote about .

    Another useful feature for users is to automatically convert files to the desired format before downloading them directly.

    Here, of course, everything is within reasonable limits, and converting .txt to .avi will fail. :)

    Well, and finally, I note two more useful features of the module.

    Firstly, the module does not delete earlier versions of images and documents when sequentially updating a file (for example, an advertising layout). So at any moment you can track the history of changes, return to one of the previous stages.

    Secondly, the Google search function is especially convenient when the search result is displayed after entering one or more keywords. The user can reduce the number of search results and make it more accurate, the search function according to the criteria will help him in this: the amount of information, the format of the data or images, as well as access to data, etc. The functions of sequential search by several tags (“found”), or by several tags at the same time.

    In addition, the data structure itself, individually developed for each client, helps to quickly navigate information and simplifies the search for thematic and specialized material. Thus, the search for the necessary media objects is significantly accelerated.

    3. Integration with other modules and the creation of a holistic

    system The BrandMaker MRM system affects all marketing processes: from planning and budgeting marketing projects, creating advertising materials, to generating reports and analyzing results.

    "Media Resources", as a module for storing information, serves as a starting point for all activities in the framework of creating promotional materials. To create advertising objects for both print and electronic media, the MAM system offers all the advertising projects that are necessary and meet the corporate identity of the company and are stored in a central database of multimedia content.

    The individualization of certain printed materials (advertisements, brochures or business materials) is carried out using the Web-to-Print module, and electronic materials for the Internet using the Web-to-Web module.

    When creating new advertising material, the “Job Management” module will help you - the main module for creating and managing tasks and workflows in the field of marketing. At the end of the work, the materials are stored in Media Resources for future use.

    The module "Marketing Planning" helps in the overall activity in the framework of creating advertising resources: planning, budgeting, information exchange and use of the achievements of previous advertising campaigns and projects.

    Thus, being integrated into the MRM system, BrandMaker’s Media Resources repository of advertising materials provides a wide range of capabilities that go far beyond the simple storage, management and preparation of media data.

    Thanks for attention! Ready to answer your questions.

    BrandMaker Russia

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