Import photos from Picasa and Flickr into Vkontakte albums

    Summer is drawing to a close, and everyone has accumulated a huge number of photos that need to be taken apart, edited and, of course, shown to all-all-all. I think everyone has a favorite service for this occasion. Previously, on a Windows laptop, Picasa was such a service for me, and with the transition to Mac, it became more convenient to use Flickr. Today I want to talk about Picrolla . This application is for importing photos from Picasa and Flickr into VKontakte albums. What Picrolla does:

    Welcome to Picrolla

    • Imports selected photos or entire albums: you can select an album to import or create a new one.
    • Keeps original captions for photos, which is very convenient.
    • It does not limit you to the maximum number of photos you can upload (You can upload only 50 photos at one time in VK).
    • Shows a slideshow of selected photos.
    • Sends photos to the wall.

    Plans for the future connection Yandex.Fotok.
    Today Picrolla has 1845 users, join you :)

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