We invite you to Points in St. Petersburg and Moscow!

    Dear startupers!

    We remind you that there is not much time left before the end of the Spanish Village contest . Preliminary results will be announced at the 27th Point in Moscow , which will be held June 23 at Digital October, and on June 27 at the 6th Point in St. Petersburg .

    We invite you to participate in our meetings of projects, investors and experts!

    Projects that submitted applications are gradually published on the Spanish Village website - geography is wide - Riga, Tallinn, Minsk, Vinnitsa, Lutsk, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Samara, Tomsk, Novosibirsk.

    Today we want to tell you about four promising projects from the StartupPoint community who want to work on a project in Spain. Comment on the projects - the analyst of the startup industry Sergey Vasiliev (StartupPoint) and the representative of the Spanish Village Sergey Ivanenko .

    We ask you to leave your opinion about the projects in the comments to the post!

    Startup DaOffice is a corporate social network for personnel management.

    Website daoffice.ru

    HR departments and managers spend a lot of energy on solving problems with finding, adapting, retaining, motivating and working efficiency of their employees.
    DaOffice product comprehensively solves these problems with the following tools:
    • Corporate social network allows you to improve communication in the company, develop expertise and stimulate innovation
    • The Talent Management application allows you to solve the issue of staff turnover, speed up the adaptation of newcomers, and increase employee motivation and efficiency
    • The Social Recruiting application allows you to increase the speed and quality of recruitment and reduce costs.

    Sergey Vasiliev (StartupPoint) : “Today, intranet solutions are gaining more and more popularity in various directions. HR direction is one of the leading in this context. Despite the fact that this niche already has several strong solutions, there is still room for interesting and sensible solutions, such as DaOffice. ”

    Sergey Ivanenko (Spanish Village) : “I see a demand for small and medium enterprises with a diverse fleet of operating systems. It’s good that the service is free in the basic configuration, but it’s bad that the cost of the premium service is not described on the site. Not enough version for mobile devices. "

    Gipis is a service for creating an individual training and nutrition program.
    Website gipis.ru

    All data on physical activity is collected automatically using a mobile phone and GPS (for remote sports such as running or cycling), as well as using an accelerometer for team sports and activities in the gym (soccer, tennis, fitness, barbell) or a heart rate monitor. Activity data is uploaded to the site, where a further training and nutrition program is generated on their basis. Depending on the progress of a person, the program is automatically edited so that the user reaches his goal by a certain date, even if part of the training was missed or the nutrition plan was not followed for some time. There are mobile versions of the application for iPhone and Android.

    Sergey Vasiliev (StartupPoint): “Increasingly, Internet resources and services have begun to appear aimed at solving the problem of excess weight, helping users to eat right and distribute the load when playing sports. A great addition to these services is a mobile device. Gipis is a very successful analogue of such Western services as: Nike +, Runkeeper, Daily Burn, which has good prospects in Russia. ”

    Sergey Ivanenko (Spanish Village): “A project with a clear target audience: people who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their condition. The way to monetize the project is not clear to me. The registration process for mobile devices can be simplified using Google or iTunes accounts. I did not find a description of the calculation algorithms (most likely cardio load) and instructions for working with workouts. I also did not see anything related to nutrition. There are no additional materials or training articles. "How and what will the GPS receiver collect when practicing in the pool or fitness club?"

    imageCarcorner.ru - a platform for car owners to help them with car maintenance.

    Website www.carcorner.ru

    The project allows car dealers, car mechanics, auto parts stores, oil change points, etc. organize your own "virtual garages". On the basis of the project, it is planned to organize an online store and a system of user blogs.

    Sergey Vasiliev (StartupPoint) : “The number of cars per person becomes more and more every year, which is a logical reason for the emergence of new Internet resources for motorists. Carcorner.ru is one of them. The peculiarity of the service is that it helps the car owner to remember important events in the life of the car, which is very important in our Russian realities. ”

    Sergey Ivanenko (Spanish Village): “Pleasant service, useful to car owners. Able to remind via sms or email about the deadlines for the end of insurance, inspection, regular maintenance, for any number of user vehicles. So far, there is little background information, but the declared potential is impressive (online verification of fines issued). Judging by the presence of advertising, the monetization method is advertising. Apparently not enough version for mobile devices. "

    The Codepays project is a payment system for mobile devices based on QR codes.

    Website codepays.com

    The mechanics of the service are as follows: the seller creates a payment in the form of a QR code, the buyer photographs it on a mobile phone and immediately pays for the service using a bank card. The seller no longer needs to buy additional equipment for making payments with bank cards at points of sale. You also get the opportunity to distribute QR codes in the media or in public places. The buyer gets a safe and fast way to pay for purchases without entering bank card details every time. All mobile platforms are supported for which there is at least one QR code scanner.

    Commentary by Sergey Vasiliev (StartupPoint): “Codepays is a project that is in trend, as they say now, mobile applications, payment systems. In addition, QR codes as a phenomenon are a very hot topic, so the symbiosis of several trending directions will certainly give a good result. The main scope of this service is retail sales. ”

    We remind you that you can still apply for participation until June 23!

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