41st edition of the Russian Full Circle Magazine

Issue No. 41 - September 2010
This magazine is dedicated to Ubuntu and open source. On its pages you will find news, manuals and tutorials.
In the 41st issue:
* News * Conquer and conquer * How-To - Python Program - Part 15 - Virtualization. Part 4 - FreeBSD - Doing business with Ubuntu - Writing for Full Circle Magazine * My story * My opinion is Nero vs MPEG-LA * Review - TuxGuitar * Interview - Julien Laverne * Interview with a translator - Ricardo Perez * LoCo interview - Greg Grossmeyer * Letters * Ubuntu Women - Liann Ogasawara * Ubuntu Games - Gish * Questions and answers * My desktop * Top 5 - Ways to Run Windows Applications
Direct download link:
Download the 41st issue
Project page: http://fullcirclemagazine.ru
Project page on ubuntu.ru : http://ubuntu.ru/fullcircle
You can familiarize yourself with the individual articles of the journal in text form in our archive:
Follow us on Twitter and find out about new releases!
Ribbon: twitter.com/fcm_ru
Note from the Translation Team: Currently issues 0–1, 20–41 have been translated.
Will we translate the old ones (2–19)? Yes, we will. When? When I catch up with current issues.
Thank you for understanding.