Live broadcast from the application development conference. 8-00 Moscow

    imageToday at 8-00 in the morning in Moscow (or 10-00 at the time of Yekaterinburg), a live broadcast begins with a conference on the development of application applications, which takes place today in the Atrium Hotel in Yekaterinburg. You can follow the broadcast on our website all day long.

    Conference program (time of Yekaterinburg, in Moscow minus 2 hours):

    10: 00–10: 20 Opening. Nikolay Pryanishnikov, Microsoft
    10: 20–11: 20 Development, present and future of the Microsoft platform for creating business applications. Roman Zdebsky, Microsoft
    11: 20–12: 00 Effective presentation of your business data. Use Visio to create live charts. Dmitry Andreev, Microsoft
    12: 00–12: 30 Break
    12: 30–13: 15 Rapid development of business applications for data entry using LightSwitch. Sergey Zvezdin, Oogway Software
    13: 15-14: 00 Development of Workflows for Sharepoint 2010 when implementing various workflow scenarios. Marat Bakirov, Smart Software
    14: 00–15: 00 Break
    15: 00–15: 45 IE9 + HTML5: Data visualization using Canvas and SVG. Konstantin Kichinsky, Microsoft
    15: 45–16: 30 ASP.NET as the central technology for integrating enterprise resources in a web application. Vladimir Yunev, Microsoft
    16: 30–17: 00 Break
    17: 00–18: 00 Take advantage of the corporate edition of SQL Server to increase the reliability, performance and security of your application. Alexey Knyazev, MVP, EastWind

    Happy viewing!

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