Yesterday, the world's first 4G phones created in Russia and assembled in China were shown to Putin in the Skartel’s office

    Yesterday's sensational event (the beginning of the all-Russian construction of LTE networks in 180 cities ) continues to generate its informational echo in the media sphere. There were video recordings, videos of this event on newstube and at RIA Novosti .

    [LTE]I want to immediately emphasize and highlight that both of these sources mention that V.V. Putin was shown the first 4G phones in the world . They also write on the RIAN.Ru website that these mobile phones were created in Russia and are manufactured in China, and one of the hyperlinks there hints that this is the same phone with LTE support, the prototype of which was shown to D. A. Medvedev in September 2010the head of Russian Technologies (and which was also developed by Scartel). Although I myself, reading and comparing the news, I could not help but notice that then they reported on the RIAN website that the release of the device was planned to be entrusted to an unnamed Taiwanese OEM-manufacturer, and now we are talking about China.

    [Yota]Many should remember that the then prototype of the mobile phone caused numerous smirks from many bloggers and analysts, being far from the final performance. Personally, it’s not completely clear to me now how things are now, whether the mention of “phones” instead of “prototypes” is evidence of the progress of “Yota”in this direction, and not even the achievement of a certain readiness of devices. But I see the future: in the very near future, the situation will become clearer radically, because you can’t build an LTE network without having any phones for sale to subscribers.

    Let's wait.

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