eGov 2.0: Best Practices in E-Government

    imageSomehow, quite imperceptibly (judging by the search results), this event was held for beloved Habr, and meanwhile, on November 26 (last Friday), the eGov2.0 conference : Best Practices in the Field of Electronic Government was held in Moscow . The ideologist and main organizer of the conference is the famous activist of this topic - Alyona Popova .

    Probably the most famous participant in this conference is State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, who popularizes the theme of developing systems for the interaction of citizens and the state. His presence and active participation shows the level of the event and demonstrates that there is some obvious activity in this area. The essence of which I will try to convey to you in this note.

    So, the conference is devoted specifically to practices. Those. The projects of the conference participants were of little interest. They talked more about what has already been done. What turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt, and what and how can be developed and replicated.

    In the introductory section of the conference, as always, many common words were spoken, but one report deserves attention. It was made by Sergey Yurkevich, Executive Secretary of the Commission for the Development of the Information Society under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. He talked about how work is going on to organize inter-departmental workflow and providing citizens and organizations access to public services via the Internet.

    With regard to the provision of public services in electronic form, he said that there is an official transition plan (which was approved by government decree No. 1555), according to which “by December 1, 2015, such services as:
    • work searches;
    • execution of personal documents;
    • change of residence announcement;
    • car registration;
    • filing applications with the government;
    • admission to universities;
    • receiving social assistance;
    • registration of acts of civil status;
    • healthcare services;
    • execution of applications to the police;
    • registration of taxes;
    • (for some reason) access to public libraries. ”

    If we talk about interaction with legal entities, then here fall:
    • submission of statistical data;
    • filing customs declarations;
    • social deductions for employees;
    • corporate taxes;
    • company registration;
    • VAT registration;
    • obtaining permits related to environmental protection.

    In addition, Yurkevich often used the term providing the service “in a transactional form”, explaining this as an opportunity not only to submit an application, but also to track the process of its processing and obtaining the result.

    Further, Yurkevich spoke about the need to organize inter-departmental workflow for effective joint work. In order not to send data “over the top”, but to work directly. He noted that today the information systems of various departments are incompatible and work is just underway to place them “in a single project field”. Today, there are already 15 secure channels providing work for 28 state. electronic services. Other services are provided by the state portal.

    The transfer of services is organized at 3 levels: federal, regional and budget, and in 5 stages:
    • Stage 1: information on the website of public services;
    • Stage 2: the ability to download a form;
    • Stage 3: the ability to submit an application in an online form;
    • Stage 4: the portal allows you to track the execution of the application;
    • Stage 5: services are fully presented in electronic form.

    In total, 74 public services from 20 priority categories should be provided.

    Some information from the report on the public services portal itself:
    • launched December 15, 2009;
    • 19 departments provide their services;
    • 50 services are already provided (out of 74 in accordance with order No. 1555);
    • April 1 (and this is not a joke! Although symbolic;) in 2010 the registration of citizens in the personal account began;
    • 170 thousand users are registered;
    • about 32 thousand users visit the portal daily

    So I tried to convey a brief squeeze on the state of the topic for today from the words of Sergei Yurkevich.

    During the conference, the importance of two future events in the field of electronic government was noted: the formation of a law on an electronic document, which should allow translating work into electronic form (today the law requires duplicating all documents in paper form without fail, followed by archiving according to the indicated schemes, different for different institutions), and the decree obliging the authorities to mandatory process applications received from citizens in electronic form according to the relevant channel It is.

    If Habra-public expresses interest, I will provide a recording of Yurkevich’s speech in audio format. In the meantime, I do not quite understand how to place it here (file in .apk format).

    Then the participants went into two rooms. The first section was “The provision of public services in electronic form”, and the second “Official 2.0: the use of social media by public servants” and “Civil initiatives, crowdsourcing and non-governmental projects”. It seemed to me, "for officials" and "for mere mortals." I joined the second.

    The section was divided, as I have already noticed, into two parts. In the first, officials talked about the experience of applying “modern information technologies” in their work. About what turns out and what goes badly.

    The second part of the section was devoted to the presentation of civilian projects working at the junction with the authorities. In reality, not all of them turned out to be such projects, but all of them somehow related to the organization of people around solving common problems.

    The program of the event can be viewed on the conference website . If you click on the name of the section, a detailed program will open. If you are interested in something related to specific projects, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer them. I don’t want to bother reading detailed reports, I have more than 5 hours of audio material and also notes that I could make during the reports.

    In addition to the note, I propose to read the report on the event of the main organizer Alyona Popova on her personal blog .

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