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For the first time in history, Yandex held a special event for system administrators - specialists in the field of Open Source and Unix.
The Olympics consisted of three rounds. About 600 people took part in each game of the first round. In total, about 800 participants completed at least one task. The questions that were asked during the games are from life, they are daily encountered by Yandex system administrators.
According to the results of the first round, 40 people remained, 10 of whom arrived on November 19 at the Yandex Moscow office for the Olympics finals.
During the final, the players answered theoretical questions, while the seconds and the jury kept an eye on them:

The fight was serious, but according to the rules only three reached the superfinal. The top three solved a difficult practical task. Each player was given a server that needed to be fixed. To make life difficult for our superfinalists, we did not tell the root user password and previously broke the network settings, ssh, DNS, software RAID, MySQL database and web server on the servers. All of these issues have been flagged Critical in our monitoring.
The first to complete the task was Dmitry 'kmeaw' Bilunov from Moscow, it took him only 28 minutes and 58 seconds.
The second, with a difference of three minutes, came to the finish line Leonid 'darkk' Evdokimov from Omsk.
Muscovite Alexander 'lazybum' Yurchenko became the bronze medalist.
After the draw, the participants visited one of our data centers and returned to the office for the solemn presentation of prizes and the traditional beer-party for admins.
Congratulations to the winner and prize winners! And thanks to all the participants and spectators!
Another version of the final day .
Although the Olympiad is over, we still have something to tell about it.
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Organizing committee