A look at Russia through the eyes of people, not government (+ bonus)

    To begin with, a bonus is a screen saver for the largest movie site in Russia. Twisted on STS, will continue to twist already on the site.

    (turn on 720p and expand to a large screen)

    Our site is in good quality.

    Please, if you are interested only in videos in our business, don’t look under the cat, vote just for the video :) There I will talk about another direction of the studio - social. Thank.

    It somehow happened that we at Trailer Studio regularly engage in various social projects. Many readers of Habr remember our Movie of Officers and the Clip of Santa Claus . Soon another video will appear, but now is not about him.

    Not so long ago, in Runetology, we discussed with Maxim our new social project, namely a portal dedicated to political and social video. This week the website under the difficult name bidlo.tv was launched. We talk about this project like this:

    If you watch TV, the central channels consider us "cattle." We decided to "strike back" (c).

    The Cattle-TV portal collects professional and amateur videos covering political and social events in Russia. Editors post videos, accompanying them with their point of view. If you want to express your opinion, leave comments, discuss and vote for videos.

    Registered users can also publish the video found. And videos created exclusively for the portal will be distributed through the rotation system on popular sites.

    The authors of the portal are specialists in creating videos and helpusers to create new video projects. Now in Runet there are few smart and high-quality video materials on current topics. It is in our power to correct this mistake.

    Political and social resources in RuNet serve an adult audience and do not cause interest among young people who cannot silently look at what is happening in the country. Young people want to convey their opinions to a wide audience, but are forced to talk to a limited number of friends on their blogs.

    Cattle-TV is a platform for covering and discussing important events in Russia. What is happening in the country does not coincide with what is shown on television. There is no agitation in our materials, no censorship. Through the videos on the site you can see the country through the eyes of people. This is the section of information that we want to convey to the government.


    Yes, of course, there will be foreign social video on the portal, ours still do not have time to generate the required amount of content, but I am sure that over time this situation will change in favor of domestic videos.

    Livestreet beats in the heart of the site, hence the motives similar to Habr. The site also continues to debug every minute and the introduction of new features.

    I hope you enjoy the site and will be grateful for any advice on improving it. Write in a comment or mail me: innokenty@skrinevsky.ru


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