Vkontakte camp

    Vkontakte camp
    This summer, I happened to work with children at a recreation center. When I met such an organization, namely, the social network Vkontakte soaked in, there were no limits to my indignation.
    Firstly, in this booth all the children in the camp were registered in VKontakte.
    Secondly, almost every day, activities related to Vkontakte were organized for children, for example, Vkontaktiada or the game “Happy Farmer”.
    Thirdly, children were regularly taken to a computer class for communication, games and adding each other to VKontakte friends.
    This is normal, logical, right? You can think about this and possibly discuss the causes and consequences of this phenomenon by looking at this photo report.
    UPD Open disagreement, often a sign of forward movement © Mahatma Gandhi
    Be restrained. The news is to blame for the heated discussion, not the informant.

    I will say right away that I was not present at the Vkontakte registration ceremony itself, since I worked at the main base with other children. Therefore, I can’t say whether they registered online or as a game, but this does not change the essence.

    Staircase to the dining room:

    Schedule of events for the shift:

    Inadvertent advertising?

    Vkontakte applications:

    Happy farmer:

    Parents are not Vkontakte, have fun anyway:

    Find love on Vkontakte. My brain rebooted.

    Information stands:

    VKontakte announcements : VKontakte


    Perhaps by some coincidence, the name of one of the units is “Spammers”:

    A page with a photo report will be too difficult to discuss, but it seems to me that such phenomena can and should be discussed.
    Blaming someone alone is stupid and pointless. It is very clear that society is changeable, and now it adapts to the absurdity of our era. We ourselves create the world around us.

    However, quite precisely, the influence of this seemingly stupid social network is enormous. And what will happen in 5-10 years? Do we want our children to register at school or kindergarten?

    In order to dilute the situation a bit and reduce the discontent, which still will not solve anything, I will add a video of the children I worked with (and enjoyed the job).

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