You just listen!

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We want to share with you another good news from Yandex: today a beta version of the new service is launched - Yandex.Music . It allows you to not only find, but also listen to music stored in the Yandex music catalog, which we carefully collect for you. Now the catalog contains about 800 thousand tracks from 58 thousand artists - from Wu Tang Clan to Alena Sviridova .

Undoubtedly, many of you have already met our music player on the web search results page when you searched for music. We decided to expand the possibilities of searching for music: from now on, the player will be shown not only when searching for songs, but also when searching for artists ( Louis Armstrong or Feist ) and albums ( Moby “Play” or Pink Floyd “The Wall” )! Now, right on the search results page, you can listen to the three most popular songs by the artist or the first three tracks from the album.

However, players in the search for Yandex - this is only part of the service. After clicking on the links in the player, you get to the pages of the desired artists, albums or collections. You can create a playlist (so far only one, but we will teach them how to “multiply”) by adding songs or entire albums to it. Listen and enjoy!

It is worth noting that music is a rather interesting and specific area of ​​search. For example, it is well known that the same composition, and sometimes even an album, can have many versions, remixes and re-chants. We united them into groups and tried to understand which version of the composition would be the most relevant, and show it first of all. If you are interested in other versions, you can easily find them by opening a group.

There are also situations when the name of the song and album coincide - what to do in this case? In addition to our ranking magic, we take into account the popularity factor and try to show on the web search results page the option that most users would like to hear.

So, welcome to the world of Yandex.Music !

PS To expand our music catalog, we open an affiliate program for all copyright holders, artists and authors. Join now!

And, yes, the HTML5 version will be :)

Fyfer Sergey and the whole music team


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