September grant competition for free servers

    VendemmiaAs previously announced , we are transferring the grant competition to the monthly format, and now we are beginning to accept applications for the September competition.

    This month, the requirements for participants are facilitated - any projects are accepted for participation, including commercial and early startups. Three servers were provided for the competition: True30 1.2 GHz CPU, 1 Gb RAM, 32 Gb HDD, for a period of 1 year. In order to select the best, the Habra community is invited.

    The action plan is as follows:

    1. Acceptance of applications

    From September 16 to 23, applications for participation in the competition are being collected. Applications must be left comments on this post. The minimum content of the application is the address of the project site, nickname of the author (authors) on Habré, a brief description of the project. Everything that contributes to a better understanding of the objectives of the project can be added to the description.

    To participate in the competition, plus applications are accepted. Unlawful, spammer, pornographic projects, torrents and file archives are clearly rejected.

    2. Voting

    From September 24 to September 30 voting on Habré is conducted through the standard Habra poll. After the completion of voting, the three participants with the most votes will receive grants.

    UPDATE: Voting takes place here:

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