uTorrent is finally available on Linux!


    Finally, it happened! Most recently, the developers promised us a version for Linux, and now you can try. So far, only a headless server (without a graphical interface) is available, which is controlled via a web interface.

    You can download it here www.utorrent.com/downloads/linux

    Installation and setup:

    Unpack the archive into a separate folder and run utserver , after that the web interface is available at http: // localhost: 8080 / gui / . The default user is admin with an empty password.

    To change the settings, you need to create the utserver.conf file in the utorrent folder. Possible settings are described in the file "docs / uTorrent_Server.html"

    Example of a config:
    ut_webui_port 8080
    dir_active /home/
    dir_torrent_files /home/tfiles/
    bind_port 37455

    As already noted in the comments - the settings can be changed via the web interface, the server will create the files itself.

    Currently, only the 32-bit version is available; Linux kernel 2.6.13 or higher is also required for proper operation.

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