Bike for walking

    It is believed that the bicycle was invented two centuries ago by Baron Karl von Dres. It would seem that inventing something new related to this type of transport is problematic. After all, various versions have already been made: with large wheels, two-wheeled, three-wheeled, for two people, with sneakers instead of wheels, circus, etc. But now and then new models appear, new ideas for folding bicycles, some interesting concepts, in general, people have not completely departed from this topic and are still trying to invent their own bicycle.


    The guys from ElliptiGO returned to the origins of man and decided that in order to move quickly on two wheels with the help of their legs, a person should not sit, because frequent sitting in a bicycle saddle can provoke the appearance of various interesting and unpleasant diseases.

    On this so-called bicycle, you will not be sitting, but standing, and not pedaling, but walking.
    Detailed explanations and video - under the cut.

    UPD: kaasnake also reported on a treadmill on wheels . Just for fun.

    But before we talk about the new “bike”, let's recall the historical facts.

    According to some historians, the reason for the appearance of the first bicycle in 1817 was the most barren summer, which made keeping horses very expensive.

    The German professor, Baron Karl von Drez, proposed a mechanical replacement for equidrop - a two-wheeled scooter, which he called a “walking machine”. It was equipped with a steering wheel and looked as a whole, like a bicycle without pedals; the frame was wooden. By the way, the invention of Drez was named after him a trolley, and the word "trolley" has remained in the Russian language to this day.


    After this, the bike went

    through two more important stages of transformation: In 1839, the blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan in a small village in southern Scotland improved the invention of Drez by adding pedals and a saddle.

    In 1888, Scot John Boyd Dunlop invented rubber inflatable tires. In fact, in this design he came to our days. After that, the bicycles got rid of the nickname "bone shakers." This invention made cycling much more convenient, which contributed to their popularization. The 1890s was called the golden age of bicycles.

    Since then, the bicycle has been modernized and redone so often that the expression "invent a bicycle" has become a household word.

    However, whatever one may say, the deeper a person went into the jungle of technological progress, the farther he became from nature. That physiological nature, which implies that the person who moves should be in an upright position, and not sit.

    This invented bicycle has, as we have already said, the idea of ​​returning to the “origins”. Those. a person moving in space should not sit on a bicycle seat, but should stand and move his legs, as he does when jogging. That is, in fact, you are running, but moving much faster if you were just running.

    Video of this device. I personally liked it!

    You can watch other videos and read on the manufacturer’s website.

    It seems to me that this car is more like a "car for walking." Although, of course, there is one big minus in it - you cannot rest while sitting while moving.

    Just for fun. UPD

    Another “invention of the bike” that kaasnake sent

    The treadmill on wheels


    Looks pretty funny. It is not known how practical and whether it is possible to fall off it, as on ordinary treadmills. After all, he obviously will not stop.

    And also, for a deeper insight into the topic - video.

    Just for fun. UPD2

    And shoguevara says that you don’t need to be so perverted and you just need to make a hole in the floor of the car. And charging, and a vehicle, and in winter is not cold. By the way, I immediately remembered a very famous cartoon.


    And of course, all from September 1!

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