Support for VKontakte appeared in Mobile Agent


    We made a new Mobile Mail.Ru Agent ( for Symbian. The main thing in it is the built-in support for instant messaging with users of the VKontakte social network. You do not need to specify server addresses and in general no additional settings - just enter your username and password to start instantly talking with friends who are currently on the social network site.


    I note that in previous versions of Mobile Mail.Ru Agent there was already support for Jabber, which made it possible to work with instant messaging services GTalk, LiveJournal and Y.Online.

    What else is in the new Symbian Mobile Agent?
    • seriously redesigned embedded cards interface
    • A new geolocation service has appeared, which much more accurately determines the location of people on devices without GPS support. If earlier only IP address information was used for this, now data on the Wi-Fi networks and cellular base stations closest to the user are also taken into account.
    • now, when publishing photos from the Agent from the blog, they automatically indicate the user's location at the time the picture was taken.
    Download, as always, here .


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