Sanyo ENELOOP in Apple wrapper

    Not so long ago, the world famous Apple company surprised the world with a device unusual for the apple electronics giant - a charger for NiMH batteries under the common name Apple Battery Charger.


    On the one hand, no one expected the appearance of the new product , but on the other it was predictable. After all, Apple’s wireless devices - the Apple Wireless Keyboard, the Apple Magic Mouse, and the latest innovation - the Magic Trackpad are powered by AA AA size nickel-metal hydride batteries. They will be discussed later.


    The main advantage of this charger is that it comes with 6 high-capacity NiMH batteries ... 2 batteries for a wireless keyboard, 2 for a mouse and 2 for a trackpad


    The whole world is showing genuine interest in all of Apple’s new products. Various resources publish detailed reviews and tests, and Apple products are always completely analyzed to the last screw by various craftsmen ... the same fate befell the new Apple Battery Charger and the batteries that are sold with it. The

    Apple Battery Charger

    intrigue is that, as stated in Apple, the batteries that they sell with the charger, will serve faithfully to their users for 10 years !!! -And this is alarming!

    There are a lot of NiMH batteries in the world, but only a few models boast a long life. - Did Apple invent something new?

    Czech technicians were puzzled by this question - they subjected Apple batteries to rigorous testing. The discharge schedule for several batteries with a current of 1.2A is as follows:

    Apple devices

    In addition, the batteries were charged in more intelligent chargers and during testing it turned out that Apple's declared 1900 mAh battery capacity was somewhat underestimated. The actual battery capacity was 5-10% higher than stated. The average value of internal resistance is 0.096 ohms.

    An autopsy of one of six patients left no doubt - the batteries that came with the Apple Battery Charge were not designed not in Cupertino, but not even in America. The characteristics and internal structure of the batteries reminds Japanese painfullySanyo ENELOOP HR-3UTG


    On the one hand, once again, the small and cunning deception of Apple was revealed by meticulous Czech technicians. But on the other hand, Sanyo ENELOOP are recognized as one of the best batteries in the world market. For more than five years, no company in the world can repeat the technology of production of NiMH batteries from Sanyo.

    Based on materials from , ,

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