Adobe sued 900,000 rubles to Russian programmer
Adobe filed a lawsuit in the amount of 900 thousand rubles. a programmer from the Murmansk region. Later, after reaching a settlement, the amount was halved. The company claims that from a financial point of view, this is the largest case of Internet piracy in the Russian practice of the company.
23-year-old Mikhail Belyaev, who works as a programmer at the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is being accused in a case of copyright infringement of the Adobe company. He said that he supported an ftp server on the local network, on which several terabytes of data were stored. All contents of this resource were provided to users of the local network on a free basis. At the end of January, investigators of the K department, which deals with IT crimes, came to the office of the Internet provider, whose services Belyaev uses. They determined the owner of the ftp server and drew up the protocol. According to Belyaev, a few days after the check, he removed all the counterfeit software from the public domain, however, despite this, in March a case was brought against him under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation .
Igor Slabykh, head of the Adobe Anti-Piracy Division in Russia and the CIS countries, explained that Department “K” decided to conduct the audit after sources of operatives informed them of the presence of counterfeit software on a local resource. As follows from the case file, a total of 14 names of Adobe products pass through it, some of which have already been withdrawn from sale. In the framework of the criminal case, the company filed a civil lawsuit against Belyaev demanding compensation for copyright infringement.
According to the accused, initially the company estimated the damage at 750,000 rubles, and the amount of the claim amounted to 1.5 million rubles. (filing a claim for double the amount of damage is a typical practice). “For a long time I could not understand how the sum of 750,000 rubles came out,” says Belyaev. “But then it became clear that the cost was recorded both of the software products themselves (for example, Adobe Creative Suite), and of their individual additional programs. Thus, for example, Acrobat 9 Pro was counted three times instead of one. ”
Later, according to Belyaev, the specified amount of damage was reduced to 450 thousand rubles, and the amount of the claim, respectively, to 900 thousand rubles. Further, after he pleaded guilty, Adobe agreed to draw up a settlement agreement with Belyaev and reduce the amount due to payment to today's 450 thousand rubles.
In addition, as Belyaev said and confirmed in Adobe, in the future the amount may be reduced again. Now the parties are preparing to sign an additional agreement, according to which the accused will have to pay a total of 170 thousand rubles to the company. According to Belyaev, the company offered him this in exchange for communication with reporters. In Adobe itself, a similar step was explained by the fact that they decided to meet the programmer and reduce the amount due to his financial situation. To date, Belyaev has already paid the company 50 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the lawsuit in the amount of 900 thousand rubles. still in court.
23-year-old Mikhail Belyaev, who works as a programmer at the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is being accused in a case of copyright infringement of the Adobe company. He said that he supported an ftp server on the local network, on which several terabytes of data were stored. All contents of this resource were provided to users of the local network on a free basis. At the end of January, investigators of the K department, which deals with IT crimes, came to the office of the Internet provider, whose services Belyaev uses. They determined the owner of the ftp server and drew up the protocol. According to Belyaev, a few days after the check, he removed all the counterfeit software from the public domain, however, despite this, in March a case was brought against him under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation .
Igor Slabykh, head of the Adobe Anti-Piracy Division in Russia and the CIS countries, explained that Department “K” decided to conduct the audit after sources of operatives informed them of the presence of counterfeit software on a local resource. As follows from the case file, a total of 14 names of Adobe products pass through it, some of which have already been withdrawn from sale. In the framework of the criminal case, the company filed a civil lawsuit against Belyaev demanding compensation for copyright infringement.
According to the accused, initially the company estimated the damage at 750,000 rubles, and the amount of the claim amounted to 1.5 million rubles. (filing a claim for double the amount of damage is a typical practice). “For a long time I could not understand how the sum of 750,000 rubles came out,” says Belyaev. “But then it became clear that the cost was recorded both of the software products themselves (for example, Adobe Creative Suite), and of their individual additional programs. Thus, for example, Acrobat 9 Pro was counted three times instead of one. ”
Later, according to Belyaev, the specified amount of damage was reduced to 450 thousand rubles, and the amount of the claim, respectively, to 900 thousand rubles. Further, after he pleaded guilty, Adobe agreed to draw up a settlement agreement with Belyaev and reduce the amount due to payment to today's 450 thousand rubles.
In addition, as Belyaev said and confirmed in Adobe, in the future the amount may be reduced again. Now the parties are preparing to sign an additional agreement, according to which the accused will have to pay a total of 170 thousand rubles to the company. According to Belyaev, the company offered him this in exchange for communication with reporters. In Adobe itself, a similar step was explained by the fact that they decided to meet the programmer and reduce the amount due to his financial situation. To date, Belyaev has already paid the company 50 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the lawsuit in the amount of 900 thousand rubles. still in court.