Yandex plays in the association

  • From RSS

Search associations are words that are more likely than others to occur within the same search session. For example, in search sessions where there are queries with the word “poet”, “Pushkin” is found most often than other names. With the word “vegetable”, they most often look for cabbage, tomato and potatoes. The users consider Napoleon to be the most popular cake, and Armenian the most popular cognac.

While preparing the data for this study, I also learned the answers to many other important questions, for example, who is considered the president and whom to go if they simply said “running to the doctor”.

And then let's play the association ;-)

Do you think that turned out to be the first association in the following categories:
1. animal
2. fruit
3. technique
4. holiday
5. doctor The

regulation is as follows: we write a comment with assumptions, then we go to check ourselves here - in the full text in numerous pictures of the new study .

Good luck :)


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