Shop offers - in Yandex search

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Yandex visitors have long been accustomed to choosing a product and its place of purchase on Yandex.Market . And now the answer to the question “where to buy” can also be found directly in Yandex search.

If you ask Yandex about a specific product - for example, a Canon 550D camera - in the text description (snippet) of some stores its price and delivery terms will be shown. Such an extended description will help to immediately distinguish sites where goods can be bought from those that simply talk about it.

How can a store get such a snippet? There are two ways. The first is to upload product data to Yandex.Market . In this case, the data on goods and prices are automatically transmitted to the search, and for the Market and search you can use different settings. The second (if participation in the Market for the store for some reason is not interesting) is to download information for free using the Yandex.Webmaster service . Sites of stores that transmit information about goods and prices to us are indexed by the robot more quickly - which means that people will be informed about new offers in a timely manner.

Yandex.Market Team.

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