Video lessons from Ryan Bates in Russian

    Hello, Habr!

    I want to tell you about the project on which our team is working tirelessly - . We do translations of Ruby on Rails video tutorials to make the life of developers easier, not to mention the fact that learning certain techniques is much faster and more visual, and the wonderful Dasha gives you a bit of beauty ;-)

    You can already watch video tutorials on the following topics:

    ( on vimeo all 6 lessons )
    • How to install Rails 3 beta and how to use convenient Ruby Version Manager? ( issue №200 )
    • What is a bundler or how to automatically resolve dependencies of your application? ( issue №201 )
    • Why upgrade to new forms of ActiveRecord queries? ( issue №202 )
    • What is the new routing API in Rails 3? ( issue №203 )
    • How to protect your application from XSS? ( issue №204 )
    • How to get JS out of HTML code altogether and use HTML5 features? ( issue №205 )
    • Or how to quickly transfer from Prototype to jQuery without problems? ( also issue No. 205 )

    Keeping the best traditions of Rails development: “Code less - create more”!

    If someone is interested in the licensed purity of our lesson, then:
    • both the original and our releases are licensed under a Creative Commons license . So, download, watch, distribute, DO NOT sell, DO NOT change.
    • in general, we received official permission from Ryan for our activities, for which thanks to him :)

    PS Thank you, I hope you enjoy the video tutorials!
    Or you won’t even like it, but you will share with me exactly what ;-)

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