Yandex at SIGIR 2010

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At the beginning of this year, Yandex was invited to one of the oldest and most respected computer conferences from almost 300 ACM conferences - namely, to SIGIR (Annual International ACM / SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (conference on research and development in information retrieval ).

We were invited to speak at the industrial section, where besides us were representatives of Google, Bing, and other search engines, and asked to tell interesting details of our search technology.

We have tried to speak quite openly and interestingly, there were many issues to Loire and a few people have written about the performance (for example, here and here ).

You can see the slides of the presentation presented on July 22 in Geneva here (PPT, 1.6 MB).

Ilya Segalovich, Andrey Gulin and everyone who helped prepare this presentation.

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