The priority registration of domains of the Russian Federation is suspended
The focal point adopted an amendment to the Regulation on Priority Registration. Now only mass media that were registered prior to the effective date of the Regulation on Priority Registration - before May 12, 2010 will be able to apply for a domain in the RF zone.
“The rapid growth in the number of applications for registration of electronic periodicals sent to Roskomnadzor, in particular, with whole packages sent from some applicants containing the most popular and commonly used words, caused serious concern,” writes CC.
The Coordination Center will start accepting applications not on July 15, as previously stated, but on July 26 at 12.00. During this time, the registration system will be brought in line with the latest changes in the Regulation. Domenus.ru accepts preliminary applications as usual, provided that the applicant meets the new requirements.
“The rapid growth in the number of applications for registration of electronic periodicals sent to Roskomnadzor, in particular, with whole packages sent from some applicants containing the most popular and commonly used words, caused serious concern,” writes CC.
The Coordination Center will start accepting applications not on July 15, as previously stated, but on July 26 at 12.00. During this time, the registration system will be brought in line with the latest changes in the Regulation. Domenus.ru accepts preliminary applications as usual, provided that the applicant meets the new requirements.