Bitcoin (฿): peer-to-peer cryptocurrency

    A week ago, the release of Bitcoin 0.3.0 , the world's only fully decentralized anonymous payment cryptosystem, which is created according to the principles of open source, was released. This unique currency of its kind has already proved that the issue of payment instruments and control over their circulation is possible solely on the basis of P2P relationships and a cryptographic key system, without any emission center. Thus, Bitcoin (฿) cannot depreciate due to the policy of the Central Bank of any country, as is the case with the dollar, euro or any other “national” currency.

    Banknotes ฿ are issued directly on the user's personal computer. Each coin has its own unique key. During the transaction, the user adds the recipient’s public key to the coin and signs it with his personal private key.

    To exclude double debiting of one coin, all transactions are transmitted to other participants, and the list of transactions in an anonymous form is stored in a distributed network. With each new transaction, the keys are checked against a list of previous transactions. A technical description of Bitcoin is here .

    The face value of one coin ฿ is equal to a certain amount of processor time. To date, there are two ways to issue coins: either by payment from a plastic card, or by loading your processor (computing resources are needed for the system to work). To date, the number of coins in circulation is just over 1 million. When the currency base reaches 21 million coins, then emissions through processor time will cease to avoid inflation.

    To date, ฿ are accepted by approximately ten merchants .

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