Housing and communal services Moscow, all percentages are raised, but QIWI Wallet - vice versa

    It is sometimes said that there are large commissions in the QIWI Wallet , and after all, many do not even know how much this is not so. Not only can the QIWI Wallet be replenished without a fee, you can pay for the phone and the Internet without it too, so we continue to accept payments for housing services (Moscow) at 0% . We do this without financial gain for the system. It was about Sberbank - an unsuccessful joke / comparison, some of them had suffered for centuries.

    And through QIWI Wallet you can pay for utility services from your home or office, at any convenient time of the day. Under 0% :)

    Below is a short instruction.

    1. Log in to our website, select the provider "Housing and communal services (Moscow)". 2. A fill form will appear in the center of the screen. Indicate

    payer code (on receipt), select the payment period . If you pay without insurance, uncheck "Insurance" . 3. You can find out your exact debt by clicking the "find out debt" button. If there is no debt, the system will notify you about it. If there is a debt, its amount will appear here: 4. You just have to save this payment to Favorites (the "Save" button) - so as not to enter the payer code each time - and click "Pay . " You can pay an arbitrary amount - if you find out the debt did not work. To do this, simply indicate the amount of payment and click "Pay".

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