You can try on the right shoe.

    The other day, Forbes, having interviewed experts in the field of online trading, published a list of the 5 largest global online stores.

    Well, I published it and I’m fine, I’m sure that many have already imagined which stores are in the top five, but I swear that one online store will also amaze your mind, like mine.

    Under the cut is a list of five and thoughts aloud ...

    Here is a list of 5 lucky people who earn more on the Internet than others:

    If everything is clear with the first three stores - these are world-famous monsters in Internet commerce, then the fourth store sells office supplies, and the last ... I want to dwell on it in more detail: is the largest shoe retailer on the Internet with a turnover of about $ 1 billion. It was founded by American Nick Swinmurn in the late 1990s. Other online stores reduced prices to attract customers, and Zappos decided that their main competitive advantage was reliable and quality service. Bottom line: about 40% of buyers re-order shoes at Zappos. In the summer of 2009, it became known that bought out, paying more than $ 800 million.

    Just imagine - a shoe seller (!), Or rather, imagine how to buy these shoes in an online store?
    - Please give a spoon ...
    - Can I try on the right shoe? ..
    - Walk, don’t press you? ..
    After all, we are all used to the fact that shoes should always be measured - shoe sizes do not always correspond (and there are still standards of completeness ), one leg in a person is slightly different in size from the other, in short, truths that have long been known to all.

    Of course, we can assume that the buyer of this online store, having ordered, paid and received his goods, tried it on and realized that this pair of shoes is not suitable for him, has every right to change the shoes one size larger or smaller, but for the store it will be additional expenses. If everyone will pick up his shoes through a delivery service, taking into account the scale of online commerce, which they have in the billion dollars, then what should be the store and the number of staff ?!

    If it was only a question of wholesale purchases, one could somehow understand this, but the store does retail. How, given all of the above, the store was able not only to promote itself on the Internet with such an Internet-specific product, but also to break into the world leaders in Internet commerce ?! Indeed, the ways of the Lord are mysterious! ..

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