What should be improved in Russian Post

    Recently I began to actively use the services of the Russian Post and, like many here, I was unsatisfied with the quality of work of this state institution. But I tried not to list all the negativity that each of us, based on personal experience, can inform the public. I just tried to structure my thoughts about what and how best to adopt the experience of other similar organizations on the example of Correos and Deutsche Post - the postal services of Spain and Germany, respectively.


    Brands Correos and Deutsche Post are recognizable. If you were, for example, in Madrid and Munich, then on the streets (most often on those where people go, that is, central or stream-forming), they noticed yellow postal tables . In smaller cities, wall boxes of the same yellow colors that attract attention are used.
    Problem : mailboxes in Moscow are invisible. Most often you have to scour the search box for sending. And it’s not a fact that the letter thrown at him will be handed over to the addressee (I have one in mind, not far from the Dynamo metro).
    Decision: Let people know where they can send correspondence. To place bright boxes at important transport hubs (exits from the metro, bus and railway stations), at large shopping and business centers. In other words - you need to go to customers, tell them that they can use this service.


    Postage is most often paid in stamps. In Spain, stamps with a value of, for example, 0.34 €, 0.45 €, 0.64 € and others with seemingly “non-standard” prices are used.
    Problem : the presence in the post offices of standard price stamps (0.15-0.5 kopecks, 1-100 rubles). When you send a registered letter up to 20 grams, its cost is 24.15 rubles (excluding VAT). This means that you will be pasted (if you yourself have not pasted and in the presence of appropriate brands) 2x10 rubles, 2x2 rubles, 1x0.15 kopecks of stamps, i.e. 5 items. Is this price convenient and the gluing process itself? By the way, the cost of sticking is 5 rubles.
    Decision: stamps with a price for sending a certain type of correspondence. It seems convenient to me not to ask how much it costs to send a registered letter in stamps, but simply to buy a brand for a registered letter. If the price changes, this does not greatly affect the brands - they can also be used, because their value has not fallen, only the usability has decreased. Naturally, pricing policy should consider this issue too.
    At the same time, stamps in Moscow can only be bought at a branch. In Madrid, brands are also sold in tobacco shops. Which is always convenient, since there are enough of them throughout the city.

    Social significance

    In Germany, a postal worker is not just an employee, he is a person who plays an important social role. He is given a uniform , if necessary - a vehicle (most often a bicycle with a sidecar). This person is the link between the addressee and the institution.
    Problem : lack of understanding of the importance of this service. It so happened that the postmen are not personified (the postman got sick - there is no one to deliver the mail to), their needs for the same strollers are not satisfied (for example, the postman did not deliver us correspondence, because she couldn’t take all the letters on herself; after the post office bought strollers - delivery started faster).
    Decision: closer integration into the life of the city and residents, an invitation to work for university students related to the topic (for example, MTUCI) with benefits for them, social advertising, improving the quality of work.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that the problems I have listed and their solutions are not the only and true ones. Of course, it is very difficult to rebuild such a large organization as Russian Post quickly. However, we all feel an urgent need for customer orientation of this organization, otherwise it loses its whole essence. However, there is no actual alternative to PR now.

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