The next meeting of the Moscow MySQL User Group will be held on May 17 at 19:30 m.

future :-)
Participation is traditionally free.
Registration in the topic
groups.google.com/group/moscow-mysql-user-group/browse_thread/thread/4ce04ca2425d353 Indicate the
full name, company, when you can come ... meeting until 22:00
Recording of the meeting until 15 May 12:00
Leading the meeting - Kostya Osipov (Team Lead, Server Runtime, MySQL)
Guests of the meeting ... I hope they are not completely tortured at DEVCONF 2010 ;-)
Michael Widenius Co-Founder of MySQL AB
Author of the MySQL Server and MariaDB fork
Sergey Petrunya (http://s.petrunia.net/blog) works at Monty Program
Ab and is one of the developers of MariaDB. His previous
job was MySQL Ab, where he worked on the query optimizer and encoded
such optimizations as index_merge, partition pruning others.
Alik Rubin, MySQL, Norway
Ready to discuss (MySQL replication, MySQL cluster, DRBD / HeartBeat / MySQL, Shared Disk)
See you at MMUG!