Runetology (47): Head of Communication Services Department, Yandex Roman Ivanov (Kukuts)
Roman (Kukuts) Ivanov , chief communications officer at Yandex, talks about the top management hierarchy at Yandex, the blogosphere, its key characters and trends, monitoring brand opinions and feedback from users, blog platforms and their competition, as well as about the past "Naroda.ru", the present "Yandex.Mail" and the future "Ya.ru".
Guest Interview:
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Guest Interview:
- How did Roman Ivanov become Kukuts?
- Yandex and its management structure
- Commercialization, professionalization and other blogosphere trends
- How does Yandex's Four Pages concept work?
- Blog platform "Ya.ru": advantages, users, forecasts
- Will Yandex buy ICQ?
- Yandex media influence: why did the blogs rankings close?
- Feedback: how is it more profitable to build a feedback on the network?
- "Newspaper" closes the print version
- Publishing House "Expert" is testing paid access to articles
- News editions fell due to terrorist attack in Moscow
- Yandex has released its own Chrome
- Government ponders national search engine

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