C&C Russia. Competition "7 days - 7 keys"

Good afternoon, dear Khabrovites! So, it happened what we have been waiting for: the final version of the long-awaited C & C4: Tiberian Twilight ! Everyone cheered amicably, sales went up, and the Electronic Arts community manager, Aaron “EA.Apoc” Kaufman, pulled 7 keys from the new hit from the wide legs and gave them to us, the administration of the C&C Russia portal , so that we could hold contests. All for you, dear readers! ;)
Meet: a weekly marathon of contests with a daily prize - a universal key, for all language versions of the game C & C4: Tiberian Twilight !
Every morning starting from Tuesday, at 7:00 am Moscow time, on our C&C Russia websitethere will be news in which a detailed task for each competition will be described, your task: to respond to this within 24 hours (until 7 am the next day) and send us your work. We will evaluate all the candidates and announce the victory the day after the competition. For example, we will announce the results of the Tuesday contest on Wednesday evening (one of the contests may take longer, more on that below), at 19.00 Moscow time!
- Tuesday, day one, artistic: competition for the best caricature. Try yourself as an author of cartoons on the subject of C&C!
- Wednesday, day two, writing: competition for the best review of any part of C&C, of your choice!
- Thursday, day three, also a writer: make a review of any mod for any sns game of your choice!
- Friday, day four, graphic: just send us the best screenshot of any of the C&C AND WE WILL REWARD YOU!
- Saturday, day five, creative: try to come up with a better ending for the C&C universe.
- Sunday, the sixth day, Zadrotsky: We present to your attention the first tournament from the eSportZ-events line, which will be the competition for the 6th day of the marathon (the tournament will be held according to RA3: Upheaval )
- Monday, seventh day, viewer: Competition for the best replay - the coveted key will go to the author of the best replay posted on our website for all 7 days of the marathon! (Please refrain from mass uploading replays until Wednesday, get ready, gentlemen!).
So, take part in our contests and win!