How software is sold (and not only) in Russia (and not only)

    After reading this topic about the peculiarities of Russian e-business, I decided to look at my cozy little book , widely known in narrow circles. Blazyk is devoted to legal topics, but heels it in copyright, the fight against piracy and more. Regularly have to watch how the "legal users" take out the mosque for their own money.
    Just a selection of links and quotes on this topic. To make you more fully aware of the trend.

    Some blogger is indignant :

    “Citizens. Please explain to me why the sucked cucumber is needed in Russia to release the film “District 9 ″ on DVD with Lithuanian subtitles and two soundtracks, Russian dubbing and Ukrainian ?! Again the fight against piracy? "Videoservisu" roof has been caulked for a long time? "

    ... "Ozone", meanwhile, does not share his indignation :

    "From the creator of the legendary epic" The Lord of the Rings "and the monumental blockbuster" King Kong "Peter Jackson.
    The studio was able not only to keep the plot secret, but also to ensure complete safety for the copies of the film sent out for premieres around the world. It is safe to say that there are no “pirates” of District 9 yet. ”

    But“ Wallmart ” sends out lettershappy music buyers, and asks them to immediately backup these music to discs. The music department of "Wallmart" goes on sale only and exclusively files that are not copy protected. As part of this transition, the server providing “rights management” is planned to be disconnected. Then transfer the purchased files to another computer will be impossible. In addition, they will stop playing after reinstalling the OS.

    And here is a saga in two parts about the purchase of legal programs from an adobe. Theoretical part one :

    “Apart from Russian developers, the largest and most ardent fighters for justice in our market are two companies - Microsoft and Adobe. Both of them periodically organize raids, sending “letters of happiness” to all companies in a row. For example, Adobe stupidly sent a letter to all the major design studios saying that we have information that you have illegal software from our company, and if you would like to contact us to get your portion of craps, but at the same time to discuss the terms of mutually beneficial "whitewashing". After some time, those who didn’t react to this opus called and asked, “Well, haven’t decided yet?”, And if that didn’t help, they transferred the matter to the appropriate services. The latter, without any warnings or compromises, satisfied the violators right through their pants. Those who are smarter and more victorious went to various tricks - they downloaded trial versions and infinitely reset the counter, installed portable versions on flash drives and did other nonsense. It would seem that with such a serious approach, both companies, taking into account our realities, should create all the conditions for the easy transition of Russians to legal software. In fact, the opposite is true. Small programs like media players, archivers, editors, etc. can be bought, which is called "without leaving the cash desk" - I put my credit card in, got a code for "soap", injoy. The problems begin when you try to buy the same office or photoshop. ” must create all conditions for the easy transition of Russians to legal software. In fact, the opposite is true. Small programs like media players, archivers, editors, etc. can be bought, which is called "without leaving the cash desk" - I put my credit card in, got a code for "soap", injoy. The problems begin when you try to buy the same office or photoshop. ” must create all conditions for the easy transition of Russians to legal software. In fact, the opposite is true. Small programs like media players, archivers, editors, etc. can be bought, which is called "without leaving the cash desk" - I put my credit card in, got a code for "soap", injoy. The problems begin when you try to buy the same office or photoshop. ”

    ... and the practical second :

    “Somewhere at the end of September, I bought Photoshop Elements 7.0, and in just 2-3 weeks, the Eight came out. There are a number of very significant changes in it, and my very natural desire was an update. In civilized countries, as usual, this is simple: I entered a credit card on the site, received a service pack, and Injoy. In Russia, you need to contact a reseller and request a service pack from him. At the same time, as it turned out later, not every reseller has these packages, and those who want to upgrade will have to run around and look for the right seller.
    Such a scheme did not suit me at all, and the reseller from whom I bought the "seven", having taken my phone and promised to find out everything and call back, was safely gone. With a request to help resolve this issue, I called the official representative, where I was contacted with the licensing department. There, the young man began to give out standard phrases like “you can contact one of the resellers” with a complete nonsense, and my attempts to explain that I was calling for a reason, and in the hope of getting help, did not help. The conversation ended with the phrase “well, download it in torrents”, after which the young man abruptly said goodbye and hung up. ”

    And here is the suffering of the buyer of a legal DVD :

    “Yesterday I was walking down the street in a DVD disc store for sale on the occasion of Children's Day - cartoons of 50 rubles each. I bought two. I’m opening one this morning - on the cover of “Wait a minute!” The 19th and 20th issues. I thought there was a classic of the genre plus new releases. It turned out that only two new cartoons. On a DVD disc - 20 minutes of image. Plus some kind of quiz and more - such as a bonus. I carefully read the disc - it’s just that it’s not written anywhere that from 1 to 18 the series is there too. What can I say? What figs do not chase cheapness? That I would not have dreamed in a nightmare that I could buy “Well, wait a minute!” - like that, by the way? 25 rubles per series? No, it’s not a pity fifty dollars - it’s a pity that I stepped on the same rake again - I bought a licensed disc. It’s my fault, don’t FIG buy all sorts of rubbish in the store. You just need to download from the grid and not take a steam bath. ”

    And here -Communication experience with Microsoft support :

    “I decided here to ask a question - is it possible to use Win XP Home OEM in machines for receiving payments.
    I wrote an off letter to the Center for Information and Technical Support in the name of Chikarevskaya V.O.
    The problem was that I needed an official answer on the forms to show to the reviewers.
    After 14 days and a lot of calls, I received a fax reply on the form, which said that this version of the OS can be used in organizations, but that if this is a computer club, you need to sign a rental agency.
    Executor - Anton Vitvitsky.
    When I called him and said that he was not answering my question, and that his answer was an unsubscribe, he replied that the Information and Technical Support Center could not answer my question and that I should contact the representative office of the MS in Russia.
    The call to the representative office began with the fact that they did not want to connect me with anyone, I demand to give the name of the employee. Which I could not know and which Vitlitsky refused to tell me, referring to ignorance.
    Once since the fifth, the call center employee took pity and connected with such a character as Alexander Strakh, a licensed defense lawyer.
    (nda ..)
    Fear accepted the problem, found all the letters and answers and promised to answer. Orally, he replied that using Win XP Home OEM is possible with rental agent, but that they do not sell it, but they sell SP2, which rental agent does not apply to, and that means that use is prohibited, according to paragraph 5 of the EULA. To my insistent requests to clarify in writing where violation of paragraph 5 of the EULA, he took timeouts and after them took them again.
    As a result of all this correspondence: we received a response on the form banning the use of this version of the OS with reference to paragraph 5 of the EULA.
    We have not received an explanation of exactly how this paragraph is violated.
    And there is an opinion that this paper is a cause of litigation with the MC on the imposition of a more expensive product.
    All communication lasted more than 9 weeks.
    If someone tells you that MS is a “business solution” - do not believe it.
    According to the results, it was decided to process the software for Linux. ”

    ... but even when you, having overcome sellers and technical support, were legalized by programs from this wonderful corporation, their installation can turn into a real quest . I do not quote the quest, it is long.

    So, looking at the, I think that piracy is the only remedy for the overwhelmed "copyright holders". Since the law on the protection of consumer rights to "intellectual property", unfortunately, does not apply.
    And while Avtodesk and Odinace justify themselves to the indignant public, assuring them of their non-involvement in the closure of the tracker, not everything has been lost in Russia, I’m plaguing ...

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