Yandex is the leader in mobile search in Russia and Ukraine


    February 25, 2010 - Oslo, Norway

    According to the Opera Mobile Status Report, the number of web pages viewed using the Opera Mini browser grew to 23.3 billion in January 2010. This is three times more than in January 2009. At the same time, the number of browser users worldwide exceeded 50 million people.

    The report on the status of the mobile Internet for January 2010, in addition to data on general trends, contains information on the use of search engines in various countries and regions. The full version of the Report is available at: (in English).

    General Report Data:
    - In January 2010, the number of Opera Mini users grew by 50 million, which is 7.4% more than a month earlier and 149% more than a year earlier.

    - Opera Mini users in January 2010 viewed 23.3 billion web pages. This indicator is 208% more than in January 2009 and 12.7% more than in December 2009.

    - In January 2010, Opera Mini users generated more than 337 million MB of traffic for mobile operators around the world. This is 7% more than the previous month and 176% more than a year ago. Opera Mini allows you to compress data up to 90% of its original volume. Thus, the total amount of data processed by Opera Mini servers is about 3 petabytes.

    - The top 10 countries in terms of the number of Opera Mini users in January 2010 looked like this (in descending order): Russia, Indonesia, India, Ukraine, China, South Africa, USA, Nigeria, Vietnam, Great Britain.

    - In Russia, the Yandex search service accounts for 2.5% of all web pages viewed using Opera Mini, and Google accounts for 0.7% of web pages. On average, a Russian user of Opera Mini browses 14.3 web pages with search results per month.

    - The number of Opera Mini users in Russia over the year increased by 69.8%, and the web pages they viewed were up 75%. Each user generated an average of 8 MB of data in January 2010.

    - Opera Mini users from Ukraine are less likely than others to use mobile search: search services account for only 0.8% of web pages opened by Ukrainians using Opera Mini. The average browser user from Ukraine browses 6.1 search web pages per month, and in almost all cases these are Yandex search results pages.

    - In general, the number of Opera Mini users in Ukraine over the year increased by 122.3%, and the web pages they viewed - by 210.7%. Each user viewed an average of 741 pages of 19 KB (after compression).

    - Opera Mini users in Vietnam and India use mobile search more often than others. Search portals account for 30.9% of all viewed by Vietnamese using a web browser. For India, this figure is 22.1%. The average Opera Mini user from Vietnam and India views 63.6 and 75.8 search web pages per month, respectively.

    “Search engines, along with social networks, are the main services driving the development of the mobile Web,” said Jon von Tetzchner, co-founder of Opera Software. - If on a global scale, the number one search engine is Google, then in individual countries we can see the enormous influence of local leaders. Yandex in Russia and Ukraine, as well as Baidu in China, have achieved very impressive results. ”

    Archive of reports on the mobile Internet (in English):

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