Runetology (39): special issue “Russian-language podcasting - a bright future or a dead end?”

    Journalist and radio host Alexander Plyushchev and professional podcast Umputun talk about Russian podcasting and its key problems, about the relationship of radio with podcasting, about means of content delivery, about sound quality, about the frequency of podcast releases and about your favorite radio shows.
    • The alignment of forces in the world of Russian podcasting
    • Is iPod a stalled audio content engine?
    • Do you need to popularize podcasting in Russia?
    • Radio and podcasts: two sandboxes, one sand?
    • "Echo of Moscow" - the main promoter of podcasting?
    • Two problems of domestic podcasting
    • How to make a popular audio show?
    • Why are there few podcasts in Russia?
    Listen to previous issues and subscribe to the RSS podcast
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    played 441 times

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